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Declarații avere
Declarații interese
Declarații istoric
Declarații 2013:
Afisare Declaratii 2013
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Legislative documents

Declaratie Agenda Integritate SNA 2021-2025 - ICMPP
Plan integritate cf SNA 2021-2025 ICMPP
Evaluare profesionala 2024
Regulament evaluare performante profesionale ICMPP 2024
• Anexa nr 1 - FisaStabObiective
• Anexa nr 3 - RapAct_FctConducere
• Anexa nr 4 - RapAct_FctExecutie
• Anexa nr 5 - RapAct_FctCercetare(executie)
• Anexa nr 6 - RapEvaluare_FctConducere
• Anexa nr 7 - RapEval_FctExecutie
Anexa nr 9 - Acordul conducatorului de doctorat
Evaluare profesionala 2023
Regulament evaluare performante profesionale ICMPP 2023
• Anexe Regulament (formulare)
Regulamentul nr.4017/05.08.2021
Măsuri prevenire și soluționare a situațiilor de conflicte interese și incompatibilități
Legea-cadru nr.153/2017
Lista funcţiilor din Institutul de Chimie Macromoleculară Petru Poni, Iași la data de 30.09.2024
Regulament intern ICMPP rev.5 | 25.04.2023
Regulament intern ICMPP rev.4 | 05.08.2021
Regulamentului de organizare și funcționare a ICMPP
Regulament de organizare şi funcţionare al consiliului științific a ICMPP
Regulamentul privind declararea cadourilor - ICMPP
Metodologia privind evaluarea incidentelor de integritate - ICMPP
Metodologia privind evaluarea riscurilor de corupție - ICMPP
Procedura de sistem - gestionarea declaratiilor de avere si de interese - ICMPP
Procedura operationala privind declararea cadourilor primite in activitati de protocol - ICMPP

Financial information

Bilant contabil 2022
Cont de executie cheltuieli 2022
Cont de executie venituri
Cont de rezultat 2022

HRS4R- OTMR Strategy

In October 2022, Petru Poni Macromolecular Chemistry Institute submitted to the European Commission the endorsement letter () on the principles of European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for Recruitment of Researchers ().
The letter was accepted in October 2022 and application 2022RO853007 was opened.
Petru Poni Macromolecular Chemistry Institute started the initial phase, to obtain “HR Excellence in Research” award and submitted the documents related to the initial phase of the process in August 2023.
Following the initial assessment, the European Commission Consensus Report was received in October 2023, asking for major revisions.
Documents were updated in accordance with assessors recommendations in March-September 2024 and then re-submitted to EURAXESS portal in September 2024.

The application of the HRS4R strategy at ICMPP (Round 2)
- 1 Process-ICMPP - round 2
- 2 Gap Analysis Overview ICMPP - round 2.
- 3 OTM -R Checklist-ICMPP -round 2
- 4 Action Plan-ICMPP round 2
- 5. Results-of-survey-for-stakeholders-consultation-ICMPP-round 2

The application of the HRS4R strategy at ICMPP (Round 1)
Carta Europeana a cercetatorilor si Codul de Conduita in recrutarea cercetatorilor - RO
Carta Europeana a cercetatorilor si Codul de Conduita in recrutarea cercetatorilor - EN
- 1 ICMPP_hrs4r_form_initial_phase_Process_Description VFF
- 2 ICMPP_hrs4r_form_initial_phase_GAP_analysis VFF
- 3 ICMPP_hrs4r_form_initial_phase_OTM-R VFF
- 4 ICMPP_hrs4r_form_initial_phase_Action_Plan VFF
HRS4R Questionnaire and Summary Results
ICMPP Declaration of endorsement to the European Researcher Charter &Code 19.10.2022
Researcher Charter new 2023_EN
Carta cercetatorilor noua 2023_RO

Ethics documents (

Codul de Etica ICMPP nr. 311 din 27.01.2025 Editia 2 rev 1 si Anexa - Regulament EC ref AI 2024
Regulamentul Comisiei de Etica ICMPP nr. 313 din 27.01.2025
Decizie ICMPP Comisie etica ian 2025.
Regulament de funcționare a Comisiei de Etică din ICMPP
Extras PV Consiliu Științific Regulament comisie etică Dec comisie etică 5 februarie 2021
Codul de etică al personalului ICMPP - 5 febr. 2021
The Gender Equality Strategy and the Gender Equality Plan 2022-2025

GDPR documents ICMPP (

Decizie Director ICMPP nr. 400-3570 din 23.05.2018
Declaraţie 25.05.2018 - responsabil protectia datelor ICMPP
Adresă ICMPP nr. 3556 din 23.05.2018 catre ANSPDCP
Procedura ICMPP nr. 3561 din 23.05.2018
Politica interna ICMPP nr. 5586 din 2.08.2018
Registru mai 2018 ICMPP

ICMPP Ghid ICMPP proprietate intelectuala si anexe aprobata in Sed. Cons. 4.02.2025 (

Anexa 1 Formular pt inventator
Anexa 2 Formular pt KTT
Anexa 3 Acord confidentialitate
Anexa 4 Act ad la CIM ref proprietate intelectuala
Anexa 5 Contract de licenta brevet inventie
Anexa 6 Model Cerere brevet OSIM
Anexa 7 Model clauze PI pt acord partneriat la proiecte cercetare
Anexa 8 Model clauze PI pt acord parteneriat proiecte europene model
Ghid ICMPP de proprietate intelectuala 2025
Ghid proprietate intelectuala ICMPP 4.02.2025

Library (Last update: January 13, 2021)


Presentation of Characterization Methods

Prelucrari Mecanice
Spectrometru Dielectric

© 2025   "Petru Poni" Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Iasi