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Anton Paar Physica MCR301 rheometer

Physica MCR301 Anton Paar Rheometer is a modern modular system with compact design, electronically controlled. The device allows performance of rheological measurements on polymeric materials as liquids (solutions, emulsions, suspensions), gels, creams, paste-like materials, soft solids, melts and also deformation behavior of solids (DMA torsion and extension).

- Dr. Raluca Petronela Dumitriu / - Dr. Raluca Nicoleta Darie-Nita /

AUTOLAB PGSTAT302N Potentiostat/Galvanostat (ECO CHEMIE Utrecht, The Netherlands) and Multi Potentiostat µSTAT 8000P (DropSens, Spain)

     AUTOLAB PGSTAT302N can be used for general electrochemical research, for electrochemical processes like plating and electrodeposition and for electrochemical corrosion processes. The electrochemical measurements accomplished with the Autolab can determine the redox activity of a certain compound, the formal potential and the number of electrons involved, the reversibility of the reaction, if the reaction is controlled by diffusion or by kinetics of the electron transfer, the amperometric detection of a certain compound etc. The Autolab system is coupled with AvaSpec 3648 Fiber Optic Spectrometer System from Avantes, The Netherlands for spectroelectrochemical analysis.

- Dr. Adina Arvinte / - PhD Student Oana-Elena Rachita /

BOHLIN CVO50 Rheometer (Malvern, UK)

BOHLIN CVO50 Rheometer, equipped with Peltier system, works in controlled shear stress (CSS) mode.
Minimum torque: 0.5 μNm
Temperature range: min.  -20oC (-30 with cryostat);  max: 180oC
Working geometries: cone-plane (cone - 2o, diameter - 60 mm; cone - 4o, diameter - 40 mm), 
                                pane-plane (diameter - 60 mm)
An antievaporation device is used to prevent solvent evaporation during the measurement.

Dr. Maria BERCEA / Int. 249

Brabender station for polymer processing

Brabender Lab station for polymer processing is the basic unit that drives different processing devices (mixer, extruder), the parts being connected in a network with permanent exchange of information between the individual components of the system, allowing the recording, control and preset of the nominal values of the system parameters.

Dr. Iuliana Spiridon /

Cone Plate Viscometer RM 100 TOUCH CP 2000

Represents a cone-plate rotating viscometer (with cone included) having rotation speeds between 0.3 and 1500 rpm and torque range from 0.05 to 30 mNm. Temperature can be varied between 5 to 80 °C through Peltier effect. Measure viscosity with a sample of less than 1ml. Quick warming and cleaning. Save the measurement protocols directly on the viscometer. Can be connected to a computer or a printer by USB port. External control thanks to the optional VISCO RM software.

- Dr. Violeta MELINTE / (Int. 241)

Device for mechanical tests Instron 3365

A device for mechanical tests Instron 3365 with a force cell of 500N, used for testing the materials and products made by elastomers. The instrument for mechanical tests is equipped with a high precision video extensometer which allows the deformation measurements with a high accuracy without being in contact with the sample. Furthermore, the device has a climatic chamber which permits the sample testing in a temperature range of -100oC and -350oC. The materials can be exposed to different tests as: traction, traction in cyclic regime or compression. By making the traction and/or compression tests it is possible to determine the highest stretch, stretching stress, Young modulus, residual strain, impact bend strength, yield stress etc.

- Dr. Adrian Bele /

Differential Scanning Calorimeter, Discovery DSC 250

  • Investigation of thermal behavior of polymers, organic and inorganic compounds, in terms of endothermic/exothermic processes, during isothermal regime and ramp/dynamic variation of temperature;
  • Temperature range: -150 oC ÷ 400 oC, but not higher than the onset degradation temperature of the sample;
  • Information: evaluation of the glass transition temperature, melting and crystallization processes, cure reactions and heats of transitions.

- Dr. Mariana Cristea /

DSC 200 F3 Maia, Netzsch, Germany

     DSC 200 F3 Maia system it is used for: temperature domain determinations of physical transitions of polymers; thermochemical determinations of enthalpy and entropy; studies of effects of filler materials on polymer scaffolds in composite materials; evaluation of the degree of crystallinity and/or its modification with temperature; morphological studies; kinetics of crystallization dynamics, polymerization and curing reactions; compatibilization studies in polymer blends; plastifiation effect analysis; specific heat and absolute heat capacity of polymers determination; polymorphism studies.

- Dr. Cristian-Dragoș Varganici /

Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA)

- Dr. Mariana Cristea /

Electro-kinetic Analyser for Solid Surface Analysis: SurPASS

   SurPASS is a high-end electro-kinetic analyser featuring fully automated zeta potential analysis of macroscopic solids in real-life conditions.
   The zeta potential is related to the surface charge at a solid/liquid interface and is a key parameter for understanding surface properties and developing new specialized materials.

Dr. Loredana E. Nita /

Impact resistance testing device (CEAST Italia)

Impact resistance testing device (CEAST Italia) allows the impact test to be carried out using the IZOD method, respectively CHARPY. The impact test using the Charpy method is performed according to ISO 179-1: 2010.

Dr. Iuliana Spiridon /

Johnson Matthey Magnetic Susceptibility Balance

   Johnson Matthey Magnetic Susceptibility Balance determines the magnetic properties of paramagnetic and diamagnetic solids and liquids. The method is based on the principle of the stationary sample and a moving magnet.
   The volumetric susceptibility in c.g.s units can be measured in the range: 0.001 x 10-7 - 1.99 x 10-4.

Dr. Loredana E. Nita /

Manometric gas permeability tester L100-5000 Systech

Apparatus for the determination of gas permeability: O2, CO2, air. The instrument suits excellently for the determination of the Gas permeability of Packing foils with a thickness between 0.01-2 mm according to a permeability between 0.3-10000 ml / m2 and day, which covers more than 90% of all known Packing foils. Whether foils with high or with very low permeability: the L100-5000 delivers for the most common gases precise and reproducible measurements within acceptable measuring times. With the new L100-5000 the reliable determination of the permeability of Packing foils for foods, tobacco products, from complex protection membranes, as well as the quality control of many other materials becomes routine.

- Dr. Mihai BREBU / - Dr. Anamaria IRIMIA /

Multi Potentiostat µSTAT 8000P, DropSens, Spain

     μStat 8000P is a portable Multi Potentiostat that can be applied for Voltammetric or Amperometric measurements, being able to perform up to 8 different independent measurements at the same time, including also a multichannel mode that allows you to work with up to 8 working electrodes sharing auxiliary and reference electrode.

- Dr. Adina Arvinte / - PhD Student Oana-Elena Rachita /

PHYSICA MCR302 Rheometer (Anton Paar, Austria)

PHYSICA MCR302 Rheometer, a modular system, works in controlled shear stress (CSS) mode or controlled shear rate (CSR) mode, being equipped with:
● Toolmaster TM (for automatic detection and configuration of the measuring system) TruGap™ (permanent control of the real measuring gap system);
● TruRate™ (controlling the shear rate, having the ability to adapt to any type of sample);
● TruStrain™ (controlling the geometry position in time and allowing to reach perfect sinusoidal deformation in time);
● Peltier (for rigorous temperature control);
● Possibility to control the normal force during the experiment

Minimum torque: in rotation – 10 nNm; in oscillation – 2 nNm;
Temperature range: min.  -20oC (-30 with cryostat);  max: 200oC;
Working geometries:  cone-plane (cone - 1o, diameter - 50 mm); 
                                 pane-plane (diameter - 50 mm and 25 mm);
An antievaporation device is used to prevent solvent evaporation during the measurement.

Dr. Maria BERCEA / Int. 249

Rheometer Bohlin CS50 (Malvern, UK)

Determines flow curves and viscoelastic properties of polymer solutions in semi-dilute and concentrated regime.

Rotational rheometer with cone-plate measuring system (4o/40mm) that allows (1) shear viscosity tests in the shear rate interval of 0.07-4000 s-1 and (2) shear oscillatory tests in the shear frequency domain 0.01-100 Hz.

Polymer processing as coatings, composites or fibers.
- Dr. Andreea Irina BARZIC /

Rheometer for solid samples, RSA-G2

  • Technique for the investigation of the viscoelastic properties of solid materials, especially polymeric materials;
  • Temperature range: -150 oC ÷ 500 oC;
  • Oven with camera viewer for image capture;
  • Loading type: tension, shear, bending, compression;
  • Information: evaluation of polymer relaxations and of activation energies, variation of storage modulus (E’) as a function of temperature, glass transition temperature determination, estimation of polymer properties in time.

- Dr. Mariana Cristea /

Shimadzu AGS-J, 1kN Universal Tester

Generally used for evaluating the mechanical characteristics of various polymeric samples. It displays high precision and reliability in material testing, with forces measured with a precision better than ±1% of indicated values. The digital LED displays show either actual force or stress and either elongation or strain. A large variety of convenient functions can be selected such as automatic detection of specimen breakdown point or automatic force calibration. Appropriate for tensile, compression, 3-point bending and 4-point bending tests

- Dr. Violeta MELINTE / (Int. 241)

Shimadzu EZ Test, 5kN Mechanical Tester

The instrument is used to evaluate the mechanical properties of polymeric materials and is characterized by high precision and reliability. It has a digital display based on LED indicating the applied force/stress and samples elongation degree. With a 5 kN maximum capacity, this device is perfect for tensile testing of plastics, being used for testing rubber, polymer films or other materials with long elongation.

- Dr. Ștefan OPREA / (Int. 338)

Shimadzu Testing Machine EZTest (EZ-LX/EZ-SX Series)

Used to perform tensile, compression and bending tests for soft materials (maximum load capacity 500 N).

- Dr. Maria Valentina Dinu /

Sigma700 tensiometer (KSV Instruments, Finland)

A Sigma700 tensiometer (KSV Instruments, Finland) fully automated having a high precision microbalance which allows the determination of various properties of materials as:  surface and interface tension, watering ability, dynamic contact angles and critical micellar concentration.

- Dr. Carmen Racles /

Simultaneous TG/DSC and TGA/DTA STA 449 F1 Jupiter, Netzsch, Germany

     Simultaneous TG/DSC and TGA/DTA STA 449 F1 Jupiter allows investigation of: compositional analysis of multi-component materials or blends; thermal stabilities; oxidative stabilities; estimation of product lifetimes; decomposition kinetics; effects of reactive atmospheres on materials; filler content of materials; moisture and volatiles content.

- Dr. Cristian-Dragoș Varganici /

STA 409 PC Luxx Simultaneous thermal analyzer

   The STA 409 PC Luxx Simultaneous thermal analyzer conected to a FTIR and a mass spectrometer gas analysis systems allows one-step analysis on the same sample of mass changes, decomposition behavior, thermal stability, oxidation behavior, transition enthalpies, phase transition temperatures, glass transition temperature, crystallization behavior, phase diagrams and the influence of additives.
   The equipment is connected to FTIR and MS ensuring the evaluation and analysis of the gases resulting during the thermal decomposition of the investigated structures. The equipment performs measurements in a vacuum, oxidizing atmosphere or inert gas, from -110ºC to 700ºC.

Dr. Fanica MUSTATA /

Tensile strength tester

Tensile strength tester (Tester 53482 series, measuring range 1-5 kN, accuracy class 1) allows the evaluation of tensile strength. The control, recording and analysis of the test system data is carried out through an INSTRON (Bluehill Lite) software program specially designed for this type of testingth tester.

Dr. Iuliana Spiridon /

Texture Pro CT3, Brookfield

Texture Pro CT3, Brookfield, universal testing machine that offers both compression and tensile testing. 

  • the load cell of 4.5 kg
  • speed setting range: 0.01 mm/s - 10 mm/s, with 0.1% accuracy

Dr. Marieta Fundueanu Constantin /

Thermogravimetric Analyzer, Discovery TGA 5500

  • The instrument monitors the stability of a sample (polymers, organic and inorganic compounds) in terms of weight variation vs. time/temperature, in a controlled atmosphere;
  • Temperature range: room temperature ÷ 1000 oC;
  • Information: evaluation of the degradation temperatures, steps of degradation, determination of weight loss at a certain temperature, under specific conditions.

- Dr. Mariana Cristea /

Titration Unit TitroLine easy

   Titration Unit TitroLine easy - provides the perfect combination of a syringe burette, a pH/mV meter and integrated intelligence.
   Measuring range pH: 0.00 ÷ 14.00; Measuring range mV: -1400 ÷ +1400; Measuring input temperature sensor Pt 1000; Measuring range: - 30 ÷ +115 °C.

Dr. Diana Ciolacu /

Vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) with temperature chamber 8607-S / 86-SSVT

• Magnetic field at room temperature: 3.2 T; • Magnetic field with temperature room: 2.2 T; • Temperature range: 100 K-950 K; • Noise: maximum 0,45 µemu; • Head diameter front magnet: 2.0 in.

AutoPore V 9605, Micromeritics

Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry

The equipment allows the advanced characterization of powders and porous solids, to determine the size and volumetric distribution of meso- and macropores (open and interconnected), by vacuum pressure generated up to 33,000 psia or more, using as material mercury intrusion; pore size determination range up to 0.0055 - 360 µm.

Benchtop Miniflex 600 Rigaku, Japan

MiniFlex600/600-C is a compact, light-weight benchtop X-ray diffractometer which can be used in broad range of area in R&D and quality control, such as from qualitative analysis to environmental quantitative analysis (general quantitative analysis, free silicic acid) or diffraction pattern comparison of crystal, amorphous, and crystal polymorph for pharmaceutical drug.

DLS Delsa Nano C, Beckman Coulter, United States

     DelsaNano C analyzer coupled with an Autotitrator DelsaNanoAT module it is used for particle size and zeta potential measurements.

- Dr. Elena-Laura Ursu /

Excimers lasers laboratory

  • System for thin film deposition through laser ablation;
  • VarioLas laser lithography system;
  • System for generation of nanoparticles in suspension through liquid laser ablation.

- Dr. Mihaela-Adriana Olaru / - Dr. Cristian Ursu /

KLA Tencor D500 contact profiler

  • Vertical scanning range up to 1200 μm;
  • Scan length: up to 30 mm;
  • Side optical view of the sample with wide field of view (3760 x 3120 μm);
  • 5 MP color digital video camera with 4x digital zoom and lighting control;
  • Determines the thickness of polymer films, thin layers; characterizes the topography of thin deposits by evaluating the profile, roughness, surface texture, on hard samples, as well as on soft samples, by 2D measurements of surface profile parameters at nanometric level, in steps, in a range between nanometers and micrometers; allows the evaluation of surface uniformity and stress in thin films.

- Dr. Magdalena Aflori /

KSV Cam 200 goniometer

The goniometer is equipped with a light source, camera, and flat horizontal support for test slides The CAM 200 device uses drop shape analysis for determining static or dynamic contact angles, absorption and surface or interfacial tensions of liquids. Contact angles on different substrates between 5° and 180° (accuracy 0.1°) and surface tension from 0.01 to 999 mN/m (accuracy 0.01 mN/m) can be accurately obtained after fitting the images with appropriate methods. Special algorithm searches drop profile with sub-pixel accuracy. Automatic baseline detection.

Max. sample size = unlimited x 150 x 38 (l x w x h)

- Dr. Luiza GRĂDINARU / (Int. 333)

Leica DM 2500M microscope with phase contrast, polarized light, fluorescence and temperature control

The microscope is designed for the analysis of various materials and quality control. Its unique concept combines the intuitive operation with the achieving of high quality images, providing rapid and accurate results. It operates in transmitted light illumination furnished by a halogen lamp. Images are always high-contrast and full of detail. Additionally, the microscope is equipped with fluorescence contrast and temperature Mettler Toledo controller.

Features: bright field, polarized light, objectives: 5x, 10x, 20x, 50x, 100x; 

- Dr. Violeta MELINTE / (Int. 241)

Leica DM2500 Upright Microscope, Leica Microsystems, Germany

     Leica DM 2500 microscope with Bright Field, Dark Field, Phase Contrast, Polarised Light and Differential Interference Contrast. The microscope has a Leica DFC425 C Digital 5 Megapixel color microscope camera.

- Dr. Dragoș Peptanariu / - MSc. Isabela Sandu /

Leica DM500 Microscope, Leica Microsystems, Germany

     Binocular educational microscope for life science courses Leica DM500.

- Dr. Lucian Bahrin /

Leica DMI3000 B Inverted Microscope, Leica Microsystems, Germany

     Leica DMI3000 B inverted microscope with integrated modulation and phase contrast methods that do not require the use of special objectives. The microscope has an attached Pecon Incubation System O2-CO2-°C – Leica and a Leica DFC425 C Digital 5 Megapixel color microscope camera with an active cooling system.

- Dr. Dragoș Peptanariu / - MSc. Isabela Sandu /

Leica EM ACE200 Sputter Coater

     The coater is designed to produce homogenous coatings of conductive metals (Au, Pt, Pd) or carbon for SEM and TEM analysis. It can be configured as a sputter coater or a carbon thread evaporation coater.

- Dr. Florica Doroftei /

Leica EM UC7 Ultramicrotome with a Leica EM FC7 cryo chamber for room temperature and cryo sectioning

     The device permits the preparation of semi- and ultra-thin sections in materials as required by TEM, SEM and AFM techniques.

- Dr. Florica Doroftei /

LVEM5 TEM-SEM-STEM-ED, Delong America, Canada

     LVEM5 TEM-SEM-STEM-ED was designed for the purpose of obtaining higher image contrast in electron microscope due to decreasing of accelerating voltage at 5kV. The LVEM5 microscope it can accommodate up to 4 imaging modes: Transmission electron microscope - TEM; Scanning transmission electron microscope - STEM; Scanning electron microscope - SEM; Electron diffraction - ED.

- Dr. Florica Doroftei /

MasterSizer 2000 (Malvern, UK)

   MasterSizer 2000 – is a laser diffraction testing instrument used to evaluate particle size distribution in a range between 0.02 µm and 2000 µm, with a precision of ± 1%. It is a flexible and modular, but fully integrated, particle sizing system with assured measurement performance from submicron to millimetre, wet or dry, from milligram quantities to the measurement of bulk chemicals and minerals.
   The dispersion medium is water, and depending on the samples and needs, surfactants - usually non-ionic - or additives may or may not be used: three-sodium phosphate, sodium oxalate, calcium chloride.

Dr. Loredana E. Nita /

Microscope Leica DM2500 M

   Microscope Leica DM2500 M - for material analysis, with specially optimized digital cameras (Digital FireWire Color camera for analysis and documentation, DFC 290) and image archiving software is a flexible microscope system.
   With the DM2500 M stand, it can be chosen between two incident light axes:
● the 4x incident light axis is optimal for bright field (BF) and dark field (DF) applications or differential interference contrast (DIC), qualitative polarization (POL) or fluorescence (Fluo) applications;
● the 5x incident light axis has been specially designed for BF applications and is particularly well suited for use in the pharmaceutical industry, for example, analyzing cell growth on metal surfaces.

Dr. Diana Ciolacu /

Moisture sorption analyser IGASORP (Hiden Analytical, Warrington, UK)

Moisture sorption analyser IGASORP (Hiden Analytical, Warrington, UK) compact, fully automated, for fast and accurate sorption measurements, in dynamic regime, for water and organic vapors. The equipment allows the measurement of water vapors or organic solvent sorption capacities and records the sorption/desorption isotherms and kinetic curves, in normal or cyclic regime.

- Dr. Alexandra Bargan / - Dr. Adrian Bele /

Morphologi G3, Malvern Instruments Ltd.

Used to obtain complete information on the shape, size, transparency and concentration of particles in various media (suspensions, emulsions, dry powders), real-time image capture and processing of recorded data.

- Dr. Marcela Mihai /

NOVA 3200e High-Speed Surface Area & Pore Size Analyzer, Quantachrome, USA

     The NOVA 3200e-Series of surface area analyzers offers a full line of rapid, high throughput B.E.T. surface area and pore size analyzers.

- Dr. Lucian Bahrin / - Dr. Dana Bejan /

NTEGRA Spectra Atomic Force Microscope (NT-MDT, Russia) coupled with Raman confocal microscope (Renishaw, UK)

     NT-MDT AFM NTEGRA Spectra supports most of the existing AFM modes and provides comprehensive information about the physical properties of the sample with nanometric scale resolution: local stiffness, elasticity, conductivity, capacitance, magnetization, surface potential and work function, friction, piezoresponse, etc. 

     inVia Renishaw Raman confocal microscope provides information about the chemical composition, crystal structure and its orientation, presence of impurities and defects, macromolecular conformation, etc.

- Dr. Elena-Laura Ursu /

Optical microscope (Bresser, Germany)

The microscope works in both transmission and reflection modes. The magnifications of the objective are comprised between 5x and 60x. The measurements can be performed only at room temperature. 

Liquid crystals, patterned surfaces, transparent polymers for electronics and biomedicine.
- Dr. Andreea Irina BARZIC /

Oxford-Diffraction XCALIBUR E CCD X-ray Diffractometer

The Oxford-Diffraction XCALIBUR E CCD X-ray Diffractometer for single-crystals is used to determine the molecular and crystalline structures of different compounds with small molecular masses. The equipment includes: a Xcalibur platform (a Kappa goniometer with 4-circles configured for the X-ray source and generators), cooling units for the X-ray source and the CCD detector, the EOS CCD detector having a high sensitivity with a diagonal active area of 92 mm; the X-ray source (Mo Ka, λ = 0,71073 Å); a CrysAlisPro software  for intelligence gathering  and processing the experimental diffraction data needed for the crystallographic analysis of the compounds with small molecular masses and proteins; a AutochemTM software package for solving and refining the structures; Cryojet system XL (90-300K): a Cryojet unit, a cooling system for making the diffraction experiment at variable temperatures, Dewar flask capacity of 75 l for liquid nitrogen.

- Dr. Sergiu Shova /

Q-Sense Pro QCM microbalance, Biolin Scientific, Sweden

     Q-Sense Pro is the fully automated QCM-D instrument for large-scale analysis. The Q-Sense Pro enables unattended measurements at high throughput with high reproducibility. The liquid handling system ensures precise sample handling and can even prepare your concentration series for you before you start the measurement. The intuitive software makes it easy to program your measurements and leave the instrument unattended until the measurement and the automatic cleaning is finished. Thereafter you can analyze your data to acquire mass, thickness, viscoelastic properties, adsorption rates, etc.

- Dr. Sorin Ibănescu /

Quanta 200 Scanning Electron Microscope (FEI Company) equipped with an energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS, EDAX silicon drift detector)

     The microscope enables morphological investigations and X-ray microanalysis for a wide range of samples and can be operated in three vacuum modes: high vacuum (HV), low vacuum (LV) and environmental (ESEM). Energy-dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) may be undertaken at both high and low vacuum to determine elemental compositions and compositional maps.
     •  Electron source: Tungsten filament;
     •  Accelerating voltage range: 0.2 to 30 kV;
     •  Pressure in low vacuum mode: <200 Pa;
     •  Detectors: 
           - Everhart Thornley Detector (ETD): secondary electrons (SE), backscattered electrons (BSE) in HV;
           - Large Field Detector (LFD): SE in LV;
           - Solid State Backscattered Electron Detector (BSED): BSE in HV and LV;
           - Gaseous Secondary Electron Detector (GSED): SE in ESEM;
           - EDS Detector for EDAX measurements;
     •  Resolution: 4nm at 30 kV.

- Dr. Florica-Mirela Doroftei /

Shimadzu RF-6000 Spectrofluorometer

The RF-6000 fluorescence spectrophotometer offers an extended wavelength and outstanding sensitivity, in addition to high-speed 3D measurements, ultrafast scanning, outstanding sensitivity, and more uptime. The intuitive software makes the RF-6000 spectrofluorometer an ideal instrument for a wide range of applications, from routine analysis to research and development: pharmaceuticals, food science, environmental monitoring, and chemicals.

Dr. Andreea Laura SCUTARU / (Int. 137)

Small angle X-ray scattering instrument: NanostarU - Bruker-

Small angle X-ray scattering instrument: NanostarU - Bruker- it can be used to analyze any kind of samples in SAXS, WAXS, GISAXS mode using High Flux, High Resolution and Standard configurations. It is programmable for multiple samples, providing an accurate analysis within 1–125 nm. The temperature can be set within -30 and 120 oC. The X-rays are generated with a high class advanced microsource. Diffractograms are registered on a VANTEC 2000 detector.

- Dr. Liviu Sacarescu /

Transmission electron microscope HITACHI - HT7700

Transmission electron microscope HITACHI - HT7700- This instrument belongs to a new class of TEM series launched in 2010. This is the first TEM that can easily switch from high resolution to high contrast mode owing to the double lens-gap system. The equipment works in broad daylight, without binoculars, the image being directly displayed on a PC monitor. Full configuration, with the following functions: TEM, S/TEM, EDX, TEM-tomography, TEM-low dose, cryoTEM and integrated panorama function.

- Dr. Liviu Sacarescu /

Verios G4 UC Scanning Electron Microscope (Thermo Fisher Scientific) equipped with an energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS, EDAX Octane Elite)

     The microscope allows the complete, high resolution morphological investigations of a broad variety of samples. It also affords information regarding samples’ composition based on several BF/DF/HAADF-STEM and EDX detectors.
     •  Electron source: Schottky thermal field emitter;
     •  Accelerating voltage range: 0.2 to 30 kV;
     •  Detectors: 
          - Elstar in-lens SE detector (TLD-SE);
          - Elstar in-lens BSE detector (TLD-BSE);
          - Elstar in-column SE detector (ICD);
          - Elstar in-column BSE detector (MD);
          - Everhart-Thornley SE detector (ETD);
          - Retractable, low voltage, high-contrast, solid-state backscatter electron detector (DBS);
          - Retractable STEM detector with BF / DF / HAADF segments;
          - IR camera for viewing sample/column;
          - Chamber mounted Nav-Cam+™ .
     •  Resolution: 0.6 nm at 15 kV.

- Dr. Florica Doroftei /

ZetaSizer Nano ZS (Malvern UK)

ZetaSizer Nano ZS – is a molecular size analyser for the enhanced detection of aggregates and measurement of small or dilute samples, using dynamic light scattering with ‘NIBS’ optics. The equipment allows the evaluation of particle and molecule size, translational diffusion, electrophoretic mobility, zeta potential of particles at high and low concentrations, and molecular weight. The zeta potential analyser uses electrophoretic light scattering for particles, molecules and surfaces, and the molecular weight analyser uses static light scattering. Measuring range for dimensions - 0.3 nm at 10 µm.

Dr. Loredana E. Nita /

Zetasizer Nano ZS (Malvern)

Zetasizer Nano ZS (Malvern): for the measurements of the particles size in the range of 1-8000 nm (by dynamic light scattering at an angle of 90o, using a He-Ne laser at λ = 633 nm) and zeta potential of the nanoparticles. The device allows the temperature control in the range of 3-80 oC.

Dr. Irina Popescu /

Atomic absorption spectrometer ContrAA 800 D

ContrAA 800 D, Analytik Jena AG, Germania Contains a single radiation source of the multi-element lamp type, for at least 60 elements (xenon lamp in "hot spot" system or equivalent) allows the analysis over the entire spectral range of at least 60 elements (metals, non-metals) in the periodic system. • Wavelength range: 185-900 nm; • Spectral resolution: 2 pm/200 nm.

Axis Nova XPS Spectrophotometer, Kratos Analytical, UK

     Axis Nova XPS is a surface-sensitive quantitative spectroscopic technique that measures the elemental composition, empirical formula, chemical state, and electronic state of the elements that exist within a material.

- polymers, - inorganic compounds, - metal alloys, - semiconductors, - elements, - ceramics, - bones, - medical implants, - biomaterials, - and many others.
- Dr. Adina Coroaba /

Total organic carbon and total nitrogen determination analyzer Multi NC 3100 CLD

Determination: TOC; NPOC; TIC; TC, TCs; • Concentration range: 0 – 30.000 ppm (0 – 30 g/L); • Detection limit - 50 ppb (4 µg/L C); • Injection volume range: 100-1000 µL.


     High-Performance Computing System (HPC) - for the modelling and simulation applications of macromolecules and biomacromolecules.

Graphic stations DELL PRECISION 7920

Dual processor: 2x Intel Xeon or equivalent (minimum 12 cores, minimum memory 16.5 MB Cache, minimum frequency 2.1 GHz); 64GB, 2666 MHz, DDR4 RDIMM memory type; 3TB HDD; 512 GB SSD; Video card, minimum memory 11 GB.

High performance parallel computing system

Total performance minimum 6.2 Tflops; • System: 1 control server (node); 2 processing servers (nodes); switch for general use (min 24 ports 1 Gbit); HPC data switch (min 10 Gbit).

Chirascan™ CD Spectrometer, Applied Photophysics Limited, UK

      Chirascan™ CD Spectrometer it is used extensively to study chiral molecules of all types and sizes, but it is in the study of large biological molecules where it finds its most important applications. It is used primarily for looking at protein secondary & tertiary structure, protein folding and the stability of proteins in different environments.

- Dr. Adrian Fifere /

Countessâ„¢ Automated Cell Counter, Invitrogen, United States

   The Countess™ Automated Cell Counter from Invitrogen is a benchtop automated cell counter. It can perform cell counts as well as viability and cell calculations. 

- Dr. Dragoș Peptanariu / - MSc. Isabela Sandu /

CytoFLEX S Flow Cytometer, Beckman Coulter, United States

- Dr. Dragoș Peptanariu / - Dr. Natalia Simionescu / - Dr. Irina Roșca / - MSc. Isabela Sandu /

FLUOstar Omega Microplate Reader, BMG LABTECH, Germany

- Dr. Dragoș Peptanariu / - Dr. Natalia Simionescu / - MSc. Isabela Sandu /

QuantStudio 12K Flex Real-Time PCR System, Applied Biosystems, United States

- Dr. Natalia Simionescu /

Refrigerator-freezer, Artiko Model LFF 660

• temperature range (deg C): refrigerator +1 / +10; freezer -30 / -10 • manual/automatic defrosting system • controller - visual and acoustic alarm system • alarms for accidental voltage drops • adjustment of alarm limit

Veritiâ„¢ Dx 96-well Thermal Cycler, Applied Biosystems, United States

     Veriti Dx Thermal Cycler provides a better-than-gradient approach to PCR optimization. With six independent Peltier blocks, you can precisely set and control the temperature in each block, giving you maximal versatility, flexibility, and confidence in your diagnostic development.

- Dr. Dragoș Peptanariu / - MSc. Isabela Sandu /

Agilent 6520 Accurate-Mass Q-TOF LC/MS

  • Separation, identification and quantification of small organic/inorganic molecules and biomolecules;
  • Electrospray Ionization (ESI);
  • Hybrid quadrupole – Time of Flight (Q-TOF) analyzer;
  • Resolution: up to 20,000 mass resolution;
  • High sensitivity: up to 10-18 mol (scan mode);
  • Mass accuracy: greater than 2 ppm;
  • Mass range: up to 20,000 Da;
  • Fast data acquisition (greater than or equal to 10 MS/MS spectra/sec) compatible with liquid chromatography (LC);
  • Separation, identification and quantification of small organic/inorganic molecules and biomolecules;
  • Electrospray Ionization (ESI);
  • Hybrid quadrupole – Time of Flight (Q-TOF) analyzer;
  • Resolution: up to 20000 mass resolution;
  • High sensitivity: up to 10-18 mol (scan mode);
  • Mass accuracy: greater than 2 ppm;
  • Mass range: up to 20,000 Da;
  • Fast data acquisition (greater than or equal to 10 MS/MS spectra/sec) compatible with liquid chromatography (LC).

- Dr. Mihaela Silion /

FLEXAR HPLC, Perkin Elemer, United States

     FLEXAR HPLC it is used to separate a mixture of compounds in analytical chemistry and biochemistry with the purpose of identifying, quantifying and purifying the individual components of the mixture.

- Dr. Anca-Roxana Petrovici /

GC-MSD/FID gas-chromatograph with mass spectrometry and flame ionization detectors, Agilent 6890N Inert XL

Qualitative and quantitative chromatographic analysis of volatile samples.

- Dr. Mihai BREBU /

Gel-permeable chromatograph Brookhaven WGE SEC 3010

Gel-permeable chromatograph Brookhaven WGE SEC 3010 – the equipment provides absolute values for molar mass and intrinsic viscosity, no calibration being required. With this system, one can determine Mark-Houwink coefficients for a sample with a single injection, or can perform branching calculations without assumptions. The instrument is equipped with full multiple detection: RI, Visco, MALS (7 different angles), UV.

- Dr. Liviu Sacarescu /

GPC / SEC multidetector system OMNISEC

• Multidetector: refraction parameter, light diffusion (LS) with 2 measurement angles, viscosity, ultraviolet absorption in the range: 190 – 600 nm; • pH range: 1 – 12,5; • Debits range: 0.01 - 10 mL/min; • Injection range: 0,1 - 100 ul.

HPLC modular system (Shimadzu)

   HPLC modular system (Shimadzu) equipped with a quaternary pump working in isocratic regimen or with low pressure gradient, at 0.1-10 ml/min elution rate, RID and UV-Vis detectors (with simultaneous recording at two different wavelength), oven for column temperature control (30-85oC), HPLC reverse phase column (silica particles covered with C18) used for qualitative detection and quantitative analysis of low molecular weight compounds (<1.000 Da), mixed bed GPC columns for molecular weight measurements of hydrophilic neutral and ionic polymers (5.000 - 500.000 Da).

Dr. Marieta Nichifor /

MALDI-TOF/TOF system, rapifleX™

The rapifleX is the most advanced MALDI TOF/TOF system on the market today and it is also the most adaptable. The system combines state-of-the-art technology with advanced informatics into a system that gives you speed, robustness, versatility and confidence.

OSMOMAT 090 Membrane Osmometer (Gonotec GmbH, Germany)

OSMOMAT 090 Membrane Osmometer:
 • Allows the measurement of osmotic pressure for water-soluble macromolecules and polymers dissolved in organic solvents. The concentration range: 0.2 g/dL up to 20 g/dL, depending on the molecular weight, within the range of 104 g/mol to 2×106 g/mol.
 • Semipermeable membranes from cellulose triacetate are available (Cut-off between 5,000, 10,000 and 30,000 g/mol)
  From the osmotic pressure at equilibrium determined for different polymer concentrations, the average number molecular weight (Mn), as well as the second (A2) and third (A3) virial coefficients can be determined at a given temperature.

Dr. Maria BERCEA / Int. 250

OSMOMAT 090 Membranes Osmometer (GONOTEC GmbH, Berlin, Germany)

suitable for determining the osmotic pressure of higher molecular substances or polymers in aqueous or organic solvents and makes possible to calculate the number average of the molecular weight of polymers. 

- Dr. Anca Filimon /

Hydraulic press, Carver Auto-CH PL

• capacity 15 t • 6"x6" heated trays • opening between plates 0"- 14" • programmable control system for force, temperature, time • test cylinders and filters

Microbiological hood, Telstar Spania Bio II Advance 6

• Class II A with motorized control • control panel • UV lamp interconnected • descending air velocity: 0.35 ± 0.025 m/s • ascending speed: 0.53 ± 0.025 m/s

Multifunctional plant for complex exploitation of plant biomass type Microscale SOL DOUBLE WALL UNIVERSAL REACTOR

• Multiscope reactor; • High capacity bioreactor with in situ sterilization; • Industrial evaporator; • Nutsche type 100 liter filtration system; • Vertical autoclave with mechanical closure.

Refrigerator-freezer, Artiko Model LFF 660

• temperature range (deg C): refrigerator +1 / +10; freezer -30 / -10 • manual/automatic defrosting system • controller - visual and acoustic alarm system • alarms for accidental voltage drops • adjustment of alarm limit


Respirometer is a device that measures respiration of living organisms. Respirometer determines aerobic or anaerobic biodegradability of solid or liquid samples in various applications.

Bernardo KF245L Vario milling machines

Bernardo KF245L Vario milling machines

Bernardo Profi 750E Fine mechanical lathe

Bernardo Profi 750E Fine mechanical lathe

Column drilling machine

Column drilling machine, 2kW, 380V

Extruder for elastomers

Optimized for the production of silicone hoses, profiles and cables

Screw diameter: 32 mm, screw length (L / D) 12 D, screw speed 3-90 rpm, capacity 10-25 kg / h

Fervi ProSmart Lathe

Fervi ProSmart Lathe 

High capacity oven

range 20-250°C

2300 x 1500 x 600 mm

Polyurethane flake processing equipment

5kW, 380V, 4 knives


Max. 65 ° C
Electric heating
Stirrer with speed reducer

Electronic spin resonance spectrometer EMXplus Series type BRUKER

• X band electromagnetic compatibility; • Detection limit for minim X band 1,6 * 109 spin/Gauss; • Minimum magnetic field: 0.9 T; • Magnetic fild homogenity at least 12 mG (0.0012 mT) ; • Microwave frequency bands : 9.2-9.9 GHz; • Pulse repetition frequency: min 9.7 GHz; • Temperature: 100 - 600 K

Agilent 708-DS dissolution tester coupled with Cary 60 UV/Vis Spectrometer

Agilent’s 708-DS Dissolution Apparatus provide an accurate, fast, flexible, and safe instrument to execute a variety of dissolution methods.

- Dr. Daniela PAMFIL / - Dr. Raluca DUMITRIU /

Alpha Bruker FT-IR spectrometer with three available modules

The Alpha spectrometer provides an optimal instrument design for almost each sample and therefore is greatly suitable for a large variety of applications. Spectral range: 4000-400 cm-1, and 4 cm-1 resolution.

Platinum ATR module: ALPHAs Platinum ATR single reflection diamond ATR module. A variety of sampling options for temperature-controlled measurements and liquid flow through analysis complete the versatility of the Platinum ATR.

Universal sampling module: samples: solids, liquids and gases. This transmission sample compartment can hold a variety of gas cells and liquid cells. Solid samples can be investigated in a standard pellet holder.

External reflection module: allow contactless and non-destructive FTIR analysis of large samples on top or in front of the spectrometer. Paper or textile fabrics are simply placed on top of the instrument to be analyzed. Large samples like metal or mural paintings during restoration process can be investigated. 

- Dr. Maria-Cristina POPESCU /

Bruker FTIR Spectrometer (VERTEX 70)

A Bruker FTIR Spectrometer (VERTEX 70) equipped with a DLaTGS detector which covers a spectral range from 12.000 to 250 cm-1, working at room temperature and having a sensitivity of D*>2x108 cm Hz1/2W-1  and covers a spectral range from 7500 to 370 cm-1. Operating modes: Transmittance MID-IR: 370-4000 cm-1; Transmittance FAR-IR: 180-600 cm-1; ATR with ZnSe crystal: 600-4000 cm-1.

- Dr. Mirela Zaltariov /

Bruker Lumos FTIR spectrometer microscope

  • Spectral investigation in transmission, reflection and ATR of multilayer materials, films, membranes, to determine several components in an inhomogeneous material, the distribution of components in a biological tissue, identification of unknown material;
  • Spectral range: 7800 ÷ 450 cm-1;
  • Wave number accuracy: 0.05 cm-1;
  • Spectral resolution: 2 cm-1.

- Dr. Magdalena Aflori /

Cary 60 UV-Vis – Agilent spectrometer

Cary 60 UV-Vis – Agilent spectrometer: efficient, accurate and flexible instrument; present reliable performance using fiber optic measurement probes, with highly focused beam image for measuring small volumes accurately and reproducibly, improve sample throughput velocity (scan the entire wavelength range: 190 to 1100 nm or collect data from single or multiple wavelengths) and has performance enhancing accessories (to accurately characterize the widest variety of sample sizes and types without compromise).

- Dr. Maria-Cristina POPESCU /

DS-11+ NanoDropâ„¢ Spectrophotometer, DeNovix, USA

     The DS-11+ NanoDrop™ One Spectrophotometer is used to perform fast quantification of nucleic acids and proteins.

- Dr. Dragoș Peptanariu /

FLS980 Edinburgh Instruments photoluminescence spectrometer

The FLS980 combines ultimate sensitivity with high spectral resolution and excellent stray light rejection, setting the industry the standard for both steady state and time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy in the ultraviolet and near-infrared spectral range.

Dr. Radu Ionut TIGOIANU /

FluoroMax®-4 spectrofluorometer, HORIBA, Japan

     FluoroMax®-4 spectrofluorometer it is used to measure and record the fluorescence of the liquid and solid samples (thin films, powders, pellets, microscope slides, and fibers). Accessories:

  • Time Correlated Single Photon Counting (TCSPC) for lifetime and anisotropy lifetime measurements. The pulsed source used in TCSPC is a NanoLED solid-state pulsed diode, which can cover the domain from deep-UV to near-IR.
  • Quanta-Phi – integrating sphere for quantum yield and CIE (1931 and 1976) color values calculation.

- Dr. Adina Coroaba /

HACH 2100 AN Turbidimeter (HACH, USA)

   The Hach Model 2100AN Laboratory Turbidimeter is designed for turbidity and attenuation measurement in accordance with International Turbidity Measurement Standards ISO 7027, DIN 38404 and NF EN 27027. The turbidimeter also provides direct measurements in units of NTU (Nephelometric Turbidity Unit, 0-10000), % Transmittance and Absorbance. 
   The turbidimeter is equipped with a 90-degree detector, a forward scatter light detector, back scatter detector and a transmitted light detector. By selecting the complete set of detectors (Ratio mode), the turbidimeter measures the turbidity up to 10000 NTU. By setting the Signal Averaging mode, the NTU values given by the device are an average of 10 measurements.
  The device provides direct measurements in units of NTU with an accuracy of ± 2% for 0-1000 NTU, ± 5% for 1000 - 4000 NTU and ± 10% for 4000 - 10000 NTU.

Dr.Simona MORARIU / Int. 246

HACH TL2360 turbidimeter (HACH Company, USA)

HACH TL2360 turbidimeter: is used for turbidity measurement caused by the suspended materials in a fluid (drinking, surface and wastewater).

General Specifications: 
• Measurement method: Nephelometric
• Operating temperature: 0 to 40 °C (32 to 104 °F)
• Measurement units: FNU, NTU, EBC, Abs (absorbance), %T (% transmittance) and mg/L(degre)
• Range: FNU: 0–1000 FNU; 0–10,000 auto decimal NTU; 0–2450 auto decimal EBC;
              Absorbance (auto range): 0–2.00 
              Transmittance (%): 1.0–100 Degree: 0–100 mg/L

• Resolution: Turbidity: 0.001 FNU/NTU/EBC
                     Absorbance: 0.001 Abs
                     Transmittance: 0.1% T

Sample cells: Round cells 95 x 25 mm (3.74 x 1 in) borosilicate glass with rubber-linedscrew caps.

Dr. habil. Luminita Ghimici / e-mail:

IRTracer-100 Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer 

- extended spectral range, minimum 11000-350 cm-1;
- equipped with heated ATR mode, with temperature range up to minimum 210 oC;

LAMBDA 35 UV/Vis System, Perkin Elmer, United States

     LAMBDA 35 UV/Vis spectrophotometer is commonly used in analytical chemistry for the quantitative determination of different analytes, such as transitional metal ions, highly conjugated organic compounds, and biological macromolecules.

- Ph.D. Student Bogdan-Florin Crăciun /

LS 55 Spectrofluorometer, Perkin Elmer, United States

     LS 55 Spectrofluorometer it is used to measure and record the fluorescence of the liquid and solid samples (thin films, powders, pellets, microscope slides, and fibers). Accessories:

  • Single-Cell Peltier Accessory: • Single-cell, water-cooled Peltier accessory (operation 0º to 100º C at a resolution of 0.1º); • Rapid heating and cooling; • In-cuvette stirring.
  • Front Surface Accessory: • Analysis of film, paper, powder, fabric, plastic film, and other flat samples.
  • Fast Filter Accessory: • Rapid data collection during biochemical processes (i.e., intracellular ion collection); • Pairs of optical filters obtain ratio measurements every 40 milliseconds; • Two pairs of filters can be fitted on each wheel; • Ratio data or individual intensities can be viewed in real-time.

- Dr. Adina Coroaba /

NIR portable spectrometer The Phazirâ„¢

The spectrometer can be used to collect application specific spectra in field to support chemometric model development. Spectral range ~900-1690 nm (11,200 – 5,900 cm-1). Applications: materials identification, incoming material inspection, quality control and assurance, portable in-field use.

- Dr. Maria-Cristina POPESCU /

NMR spectrometer, 400 MHz, for liquids. Type Bruker Avance Neo 400

- 9.4 Tesla (400 MHz) superconducting magnet; 

- Direct detection probe optimized for carbon, fluorine and silicon nuclei, used in open access; 

- Direct detection 10 mm probe for low soluble compounds; 

- Automatic sample changer;

- Vibration dumpers.

- Dr. Calin Deleanu / - Dr. Alina-Elena Nicolescu /

NMR spectrometer, 400 MHz, for soft solids. Type Bruker Avance Neo 400

- 9.4 Tesla (400 MHz) superconducting magnet; 

- Direct detection 4 mm probe optimized for soft solids; 

- Inverse detection probe optimized for bidimensional spectra; 

- Direct detection probe optimized carbon and X-nuclei spectra; 

- Automatic sample changer;

- Vibration dumpers.

- Dr. Calin Deleanu / - Dr. Alina-Elena Nicolescu /

NMR spectrometer, 600 MHz, for liquids with MS coupling. Type Bruker Avance Neo 600

- 14.1 Tesla (600 MHz) superconducting magnet; 

- Liquid nitrogen cooled cryoprobe with enhanced sensitivity;

- Inverse detection probe optimized for metabolomics and bidimensional spectra;

- Direct detection probe optimized for carbon and X-nuclei spectra;

- Automatic sample changer;

- MS coupling enabling association of the exact molecular weight of organic compounds with the NMR spectrum;

- Vibration dumpers.

Dr. Calin Deleanu / Dr. Alina-Elena Nicolescu /

Raman spectrometer with confocal microscope with ultra-fast autofocus and optical profilometry Renishaw inVia Qontor

  • 633 nm He-Ne laser, 17 mW;
  • Spectral range: 100 ÷ 5000 cm-1;
  • Leica confocal microscope with a resolution below 2 µm;
  • Stigmatic Raman spectrometer, with real-time autofocus and 3D surface extraction mode;
  • Renishaw Wire 5.0 software for control and acquisition;
  • Soft Stream HR;
  • The system performs both spectroscopic imaging and imaging for the 3D profile of the surface.

- Dr. Magdalena Aflori /

SisuChema NIR-CI System

   SisuChema NIR-CI System – combines NIR spectroscopy with high resolution imaging. It provides detailed information on the chemical components, their quantities and distributions within the sample. It is invaluable information for the characterization and quality assurance of advanced materials, where the functionality of the material is dependent on its chemical and physical structure.
   The analyser can be applied to a broad number of applications: non-destructive determinations on pharmaceutical tablets, distribution and concentration of the components within a sample; the study of the uniformity of pharmaceutical blends; particles size and distribution of the chemical components in heterogeneous mixtures; identification of polymorphic forms.

Dr. Loredana E. Nita /

Spectrophotometer UV –VIS (SPECORD PLUS)

Spectrophotometer UV –VIS (SPECORD PLUS) with double beam for transmittance, extinction, reflectance and energy measurements for solid and liquid samples in spectral range 190 - 1100 nm. It is equipped with a carrier for films and integrating sphere. 

- Dr. Mirela Zaltariov /

Transient absorption spectrometer LP980, Edinburgh Instruments

Transient absorption can be performed in a wide range of timescales, from picoseconds to seconds. Experiments in the nanosecond to seconds range have many applications involving detection of free radicals, excited states, and charge transfer reaction intermediates. It is the technique of choice to study reaction kinetics, the lifetimes of non-emissive triplet states, and to detect elusive intermediates in light-triggered processes. Therefore it is very useful in fundamental photochemistry, materials science, and photobiology.

Dr. Carmen GHERASIM /

UV-Vis Spectrophotometers (SPECORD 200 Plus and SPEKOL 1300, Analytik Jena)

Used to measure the concentration of bioactive compounds (drugs, metal ions, proteins, model dyes etc.). 

- Dr. Maria Valentina DINU / - Dr. Silvia VASILIU /

Heidolph Rotary Evaporator - Laborota 4000

Is designed for simple and complex distillations of volumes from 50 mL to 3 L. Convenient large dial controls for adjustment of rotation speed (rpm) and heating bath temperature.
Maximum temperature for water bath of 100 °C and 180 °C for oil bath. The rotation speeds range from 20 to 270 rpm. This evaporator is available with digital bath temperature display and has a easy to operate smooth running hand lift.

Dr. Gabriela BILIUŢĂ / (Int. 143)

Calcination furnaces

• working capacity: 5 l • max. power: 2kW / 220V • max. speed heating: 1000 deg C / h • max. temperature: 1100 deg C • max. temperature: 1100 oC

CC1-K6 Huber Cryostat, Huber Kältemaschinenbau AG

Used for the synthesis of hydrogels below the freezing temperature of water (cryogels). Operating temperature range: -25 °C ÷ +200 °C.

- Dr. Maria Valentina DINU /

DISCOVER (CEM 500) microwave system

Represents a powerful microwave synthesizer for performing a wide range of organic and inorganic synthetic chemistry reactions in fewer steps with increased yields, improved selectivity, and superior reproducibility. Performs atmospheric (up to 80 mL flask) and pressurized (10 mL flask) reactions and the vials employ easy-to-use snap on caps - no need for crimping tools. Working temperature ranged from ambient to 300 °C, which can safely be reached in a matter of minutes. Variable speed of the magnetic stirring.

- Dr. Viorica PODAȘCĂ / (Int. 137)

Equipments for ice flakes, EVERMED - CAA900

• ice shape: flat flakes • cooled to - 5 ° C • layer thickness (approx.): 1.5 - 2 mm • capacity: 90 kg / 24 hours • tank capacity: 20 kg

Freeze-dryer, Labconco FreeZone

• 6 liter-unit with Teflon collector and freeze chamber • allows the lyophilization of the samples of moderate and high volume from various types of containers at a temperature of -84 ºC, suitable for samples with small eutectic point, resistant to organic solvents

Freezer Arctiko ULUF 60

Freezer Arctiko ULUF 60 - is a compact ultra-low temperature freezer, with 54 liters capacity, temperature range of -40 ÷ -20 °C.
The microprocessor controller presents digital display and USB read out.

Dr. Diana Ciolacu /

Fully equipped fotoreactor

• for liquids with molar extinction coefficient> 30 m-1 • magnetic drive pump • UV sensor port • process volume: 250-400 ml • optical range <2 cm

Dr. Petrisor Samoila / senior researcher III /
Dr. Corneliu Cojocaru / senior researcher II /

Glove box MODEL: 2GB S, Changshu Tongrun Electronic

Used to handle samples with high sensitivity to humidity and oxygen in high-purity controlled atmosphere.

•        stainless steel construction, with 3 height adjustable interior shelves
•        vacuum transfer chamber with access hatch and pressure relief valve, including mini transfer chamber
•        automatic pressure controller
•        fluorescent and UV germicidal lamps
•        humidity and oxygen sensors

HERMLE Z 326 K Centrifuge, HERMLE Labortechnik GmbH

Laboratory centrifuge for the separation of suspensions.

• Max. Volume: 4 x 145 ml
• Speed range: 200 - 18000 rpm
• Temperature range: -20°C to 40°C

- Dr. Stefania RACOVITA /

High & Low Temperature and Humidity Chamber SDJ7005 - Shjianheng

The temperature (-70-150 °C) and humidity (20-98% RH) chamber can realize both high and low temperature test, in a continuously run for a long time. The instruments is provided with a controller display, easy to understand and operate and has a inner capacity of 72 L.  Temperature/humidity tests study the effects of climatic changes on various compounds/components and is usually performed to help improve the long-term durability and service life of different products. 

- Dr. Ștefan OPREA / (Int. 338)

Laboratory centrifuge Hettich Universal 320R

Represents a standard capacity universal benchtop centrifuge with excellent performance and a comprehensive range of accessories for clinical or research application. Has a capacity  of 4 x 200 mL and a maximum rotation speed of maximum 15000 rpm. It is equipped with the noise dampening technology and push button open and close lid with drop protection.

Dr. Gabriela BILIUŢĂ / (Int. 143)

Leica CM1850 Cryostat, Leica Microsystems, Germany

    Leica CM1850 Cryostat with an optimized cooling system, rapid specimen freezing and smooth specimen orientation for the high-quality sectioning.

- Dr. Dragoș Peptanariu / - MSc. Isabela Sandu /

LEICA EM CPD300 Critical point dryer, Leica Microsystems, Germany

     The Leica EM CPD300 critical point dryer dries biological specimens such as pollen, tissue, plants, insects, as well as industrial samples, like Micro Electro Mechanical Systems ( MEMS ) or Micro fluids and gels in a fully automated and controlled process. 

- Dr. Florica Doroftei /

Liofilizator Martin Christ, ALPHA 1-2LD

Liofilizator Martin Christ, ALPHA 1-2LD allows drying of the samples from aqueous solution by sublimation of water at low temperature and pressure.

Dr. Irina Pelin /

Membrane separation module, Alfa Laval M10 LabUnit

• Flat Cross Flow / Flat dead-end membrane system • volume of food tank: 2L • maximum pressure: 7 bar • flow rate 10-70 l/h • by-pass pressure: 0-100 l/h

Monomodal microwave reactor Discover LabMate

Monomodal microwave reactor Discover LabMate - the reactor performs reactions at temperatures up to 300 oC. It could be controlled by an infrared probe under integrated stirring. The IntelliVent pressure feedback and control allows a sensitive pressure monitoring when the reaction is done in closed vessel. The equipment is provided with Synergy™, a specially designed software package that is useful to design the experimental methods and store them on a PC.

- Dr. Liviu Sacarescu /

Rotary evapporators

Büchi R-300, BÜCHI Labortechnik AGm


Distillation units with laboratory applications, such as concentrating solutions, removing solvents, vacuum drying wet solids, degassing liquids.

- Dr. Claudiu-Augustin Ghiorghita / - Dr. Maria Marinela LAZĂR /

Spin Coater

VTC-100PA is CE certified tabletop spin coating device dedicated to spin coat small substrates up to 100 mm diameter at Max. 10000 rpm. The spin head actuator is a precision DC servo motor with accurate speed and acceleration control. The substrate can be held by vacuum (for thinner objects). The device has a user-friendly keyboard and LCD display for programming various parameters up to 12 programs, 6 segments. Spin duration, spin speed, and acceleration can be programmed from the front panel. All components in the device are corrosion protected to make it cleanroom compatible.

Thin layer coating
Dr. Anda-Mihaela OLARU -

Titrator TitroLine 5000, SI Analytics

Provides the perfect combination of a syringe burette, a pH/mV meter and integrated intelligence.

  • pH measuring range between 0.00 ÷ 14.00
  • Measuring range of -1400 ÷ +1400 mV
  • Input temperature sensor Pt 1000;
  • Measuring range: - 30 ÷ +115 °C.

Dr. Raluca BARON / (Int. 143)

Ultrapure water purification system, Adrona B30/Integrity+

  • The highend B30 and Integrity+ series water purification systems produce ultrapure water (grade I resistivity of 0.055 uΩ/cm and TOC <2 ppb).
  • It is designed for maximum convenience of use and has maximum features.
  • Integrity+ series system contains a 5L embedded tank to keep the system compact

Dr. Mădălina CULICĂ / (Int. 143)

Ultrapure water purification systems

TKA Microlab, Thermo Scientific 

TKA Microlab is a compact complete-system that produces 6 litres of ultrapure water per hour. The built-in 6 litre tank for ultrapure water has a conical bottom for complete emptying and is equipped with a sterile vent filter and a pressure pump for supplying equipment connected downstream (e.g. autoclaves, analyzers). If required, a flexible dispenser with a sterile filter can be connected to the tank. The system has a small footprint, is very attractively designed and looks good in any laboratory.

EVOQUA ULTRA CLEAR® TP TWF, Evoqua Water Technologies LLC

The EVOQUA Ultra Clear TWF system is equipped with all the necessary components to produce reagent grade water (resistivity of 18.2 MΩ-cm and  TOC level between 1 - 3 ppb) directly from municipal tap water.

- Dr. Florin Bucatariu /

Vacuum drying oven, Memmert VO200

  • Temperature range 20-200°C
  • Pressure range 5-1100 mbar
  • It can be used in series with a vacuum pump

Dr. Ioana DUCEAC/ (Int. 143)

© 2025   "Petru Poni" Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Iasi