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Multi-stimuli responsive silicone composites for switchable dual-function transducers
Project status: Ended
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Establishing and optimizing the appropriate silicone formulation and optimizing the procedure for embedding the  metal complex in the silicone matrix led to multiple stimuli-responsive elastomeric composites reported for the first time in the literature. It has been shown that these materials can have a dual role in actuation systems, both generating the electromechanical response and sensing the breakdown voltage. Also, the composites were successfully tested as flexible thermochromic display. The developed technology is new, original, and has been the subject of a patent application. The fundamental results were presented at four international conferences and were the subject of two scientific articles, one submitted for publication and one in progress.


Results dissemination


1) Codrin Tugui, 5th International Conference on Chemical Engineering (ICCE 2020), Innovative Materials and Processes for a Sustainable Development, October 28-30, Iași, Romania;

2) Codrin Tugui, Valeria Harabagiu, George Stiubianu, Sergiu Shova, Aurelian Rotaru; Novel silicone-spin crossover composites with multi-stimuli response, 9th International Conference on Electromechanically Active Polymer (EAP) transducers & artificial muscles, 1-3 Iunie, 2021, Online;

3) Codrin Tugui, Sergiu Shova, Aurelian Rotaru; Silicone-spin crossover composites capable of multi-stimuli response; 12th International Conference on Physics of Advanced Materials, 24-30 Septembrie, 2021, Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spania;

4) Codrin Tugui, George Stiubianu, Maria Cazacu, Manole Stelian-Serbulea, Alin Stefan; Chemically designed silicones for 3D printing elastomers; 10th International Conference on Electromechanically Active Polymer (EAP) transducers & artificial muscles, 7-9 iunie, 2022, Chianciano Terme, Tuscany, Italy.

Article sent to published or in the process of being published:

1) Codrin Tugui, Maria Cazacu, Daniel Marcel Manoli, Alin Stefan; Silicone Ink Suitable for 3D Printing Dielectric Elastomer Transducers, Advanced Materials Technologies.

2) Codrin Tugui, Aurelian Rotaru, Mihai Asandulesa, Silicon-spin crossover composites for dielectric elastomers applications

Patent application:

1) Codrin Tugui, Compozite siliconice termocrome și procedeul de obținere a acestora, A00756/23.11.2022.

© 2025   "Petru Poni" Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Iasi