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Status proiect: Finalizat
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Articole stiintifice:

1. M. Brebu, R. P. Dumitriu, D. Pamfil, E. Butnaru, E. Stoleru, Riboflavin mediated UV crosslinking of chitosan-gelatin cryogels for loading of hydrophobic bioactive compounds, Carbohydrate Polymers 324 (2024) 121521. (IF 10.7, Q1)

2. I. Calinescu, G. Psenovschi, M. Cojocaru, C.G. Chisega-Negrila, C. Albulescu, M. Brebu, A. Trifan, N.D. Ignat, P. Chipurici, Catalytic pyrolysis of low-density polyethylene waste, Sustainability 16 (2024) 6788. (IF 3.3, Q2 – open access)

3. E. Butnaru, E. Stoleru, D. Ioniță, M. Brebu, Thermal properties of seed cake biomasses and their valorisation by torrefaction, Polymers 16 (2024) 2872. (IF 4.7, Q1 – open access)

4. M. Brebu, E. Butnaru, E. Stoleru, S. F. Sim, Source classification of agriculture biomass residues by new approaches on valorizing classical characterization methods, Scientific Reports, în evaluare (IF 5.8, Q1)

5. M. Brebu, D. Ioniță, E. Stoleru, Thermal behavior and conversion of agriculture biomass residues by torrefaction and pyrolysis, Scientific Reports, în evaluare (IF 5.8, Q1)

6. S. F. Sim, M. Brebu, Z. C. T. Kuek, L. S. Wong, B. Samling, A robust algorithm for detection of overlapping signals of FTIR – Demonstrated on a dataset of agarwood for quality classification, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, în evaluare (IF 4.3, Q2)

Participari la manifestari internationale / nationale:

1. E. Butnaru, D. Pamfil, E. Stoleru, M. Brebu, “Characterization of biomass residues for thermochemical applications”, New trends and strategies in the chemistry of advanced materials with relevance in biological systems, technique and environmental protection, 14th Edition of the Symposium with international participation, October 20-21, 2022, Timisoara, Romania, P40 – poster.

2. E. Butnaru, E. Stoleru, E. Marlica, C. Grigoraș, M. Brebu, “Plant-derived residues as source of valuable materials”, International Congress of “Apollonia” University Iași - By promoting excellence, we prepare the future, Edition XXXIII, Iași, Romania, March 2-5, 2023 – prezentare orală.

3. M. Brebu, E. Butnaru, E. Stoleru, “Valorization of biomass residues by thermal methods”, PYROASIA Symposium 2023, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, June 26-28, 2023, Pyro2360 – poster.

4. M. Brebu, E. Butnaru, D. Ioniță, “The effect of temperature on gradual degradation of structural components in biomass residues”, 7th Central and Eastern European Conference on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Brno, Czech Republic, August 28-31, 2023, OP1.19 – prezentare orală.

5. M. Brebu, E. Butnaru, E. Stoleru, “Thermogravimetric characterisation of various agriculture biomass residues prior to valorisation by thermal methods”, 7th Central and Eastern European Conference on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Brno, Czech Republic, August 28-31, 2023, PS1.25 – poster.

6. M. Brebu, “Thermogravimetry as a versatile technique for characterisation of biomass residues and their gradual degradation with temperature”, 32nd Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry "Eugen Segal" of the Commission for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry of the Romanian Academy - CATCAR32, Măgurele, Romania, November 3, 2023, PL2 – conferință.

7. E. Butnaru, E. Marlica, E. Stoleru, M. Brebu, “Biomass characterization and classification for conversion to added-value products”, International Congress of “Apollonia” University Iași - By promoting excellence, we prepare the future, Edition XXXIV, Iași, Romania, February 29 - March 3, 2024 – prezentare orală.

8. M. Brebu, K. Murata, “Breaking of macromolecules – easy to do, easy to understand? A macroscopic mechanism for thermal degradation of polyolefins”, PolyChar World Forum on Advanced Materials – PolyChar’30, Iași, Romania, September 11-13, 2024, C5 – conferință.

9. E. Stoleru, M. Brebu, “Strategies for embedding hydrophobic bioactive compounds into polymeric hydrophilic matrices”, PolyChar World Forum on Advanced Materials – PolyChar’30, Iași, Romania, September 11-13, 2024, OC12 – comunicare orală.

10. R. P. Dumitriu, E. Stoleru, M. Brebu, “Nanostructured caseinate electrospun fibers with encapsulated bioactive plant extracts”, IasiCHEM 2024 Conference, 6th Edition, October 31 – November 01, Iași, Romania, OC-11 – prezentare orală.

11. D. Pamfil, E. Stoleru, M. Brebu, R. P. Dumitriu, E. Butnaru. “UV irradiated chitosan-gelatin xerogels with ability for entrapment of hydrophobic bioactive compounds”, IasiCHEM 2024 Conference, 6th Edition, October 31 – November 01, Iași, Romania, OC-13 – prezentare orală.

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