 | Laboratory 8. Physical Chemistry of Polymers |
Head of laboratory: Dr. Anton AIRINEI |
Group 8.1 Physico-chemical interactions in photo-sensible systems |
Project manager: Dr. Anton AIRINEI, e-mail: airineia@icmpp.ro
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Group 8.2 Interactions and properties in complex polymeric systems |
Project manager: Dr. Elena STOLERU, e-mail: elena.paslaru@icmpp.ro
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Group 8.3 Polymer materials. Correlations of structure, morphology, optical and electrical properties |
Project manager: Dr. Andreea Irina BARZIC, e-mail: cosutchi.irina@icmpp.ro
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Group 8.4 Bio(nano)composites. Compatibility, kinetic and degradation studies |
Project manager: Dr. Maria-Cristina POPESCU, e-mail: cpopescu@icmpp.ro
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