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Innovative strategies of enhancing energy storage of dielectrics via reinforcement of green polymers with natural fillers for eco-compatible devices
Project status: Ongoing
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 Scientific papers

  1. Prediction of the dielectric properties of some eco-composite materials for energy-related applications, Andreea Irina Barzic, Iuliana Stoica, Raluca Marinica Albu, Bogdan Oprişan, Materiale Plastice, 59 (4), 1-11 (2022)
  2. Insights into interfacial features of metal/eco-composites designed for energy storage, Raluca Marinica Albu, Andreea Irina Barzic, Mihai Asandulesa, Bogdan-George Rusu, Iuliana Stoica,  Ion Sava, Coatings, 13, 1390 (2023)
  3. Bentonite/hydroxyethylcellulose as eco-dielectrics with potential utilization in energy storage, Andreea Irina Barzic, Iuliana Stoica, Mihai Asandulesa, Raluca Marinica Albu, Bogdan Oprisan, e-Polymers, 23, 20230073 (2023)
  4. Novel polymer/bio-filler composites as alternative eco-friendly materials for energy storage: from solution behavior to solid state analysis, Andreea Irina Barzic, Iuliana Stoica, Raluca Marinica Albu, Mater Today Chem, 34, 101807 (2023)
  5. Insights on percolation phenomenon in eco-friendly nettle leaf ash/hydroxyethyl cellulose composites for tailoring the dielectric performance, Andreea Irina Barzic, Iuliana Stoica, Mihai Asandulesa, Bogdan-George Rusu, Raluca Marinica Albu, Carbohydrate Polymers, under review (2024)


Participations to scientific manifestations

1. Theroretical study of the dielectric properties of a biopolymer enriched with several biofilers, Andreea Irina Barzic, Iuliana Stoica, Raluca Marinica Albu, International Capital Conferences on Multidisciplinary Scientific Research, Lisbon, Portugal, 13-14 July 2022 (oral presentation)

2. Rheological and dielectric properties of eco-composites of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose loaded with a bio-derived filler, Raluca Marinica Albu, Andreea Irina Barzic, Iuliana Stoica, International Conference on Chemical Engineering, Iasi, Romania, 5 – 7 October 2022 (poster presentation)

3. Evaluation of mechanical and dielectric properties of some biodegradable cellulose-based composites, A.I. Barzic, E. Turcu, M. Asandulesa, C. Tugui, R.M. Albu, International Colloquium "Physics of Materials" – PM 7, Bucharest, Romania, 10-11 November 2022 (oral presentation)

4. Shear flow behavior, morphology and dielectric constant of a cellulose ether loaded 
with two sorts of fillers, R.M. Albu, I. Stoica,  A.I. Barzic,  International Antalya Scientific Research and Innovative Studies Congress,   Antalya, Turkey, 13-14 February 2023 (oral presentation)

5. Estimation of the dielectric properties of cellulose ether-based composites for energy storage purposes, Raluca Marinica Albu, Iuliana Stoica, Mihai Asandulesa, Elvira Turcu, Codrin Tugui, Andreea Irina Barzıc, International Gap Summit Scientific Research Congress, Sanliurfa, Turkey, 17-18 March 2023 (oral presentation)

6. Evaluation of the Dielectric Performance of a Modified Cellulose Matrix Containing Different Metal-Based Fillers, Raluca Marinica Albu, Iuliana Stoica, Andreea Irina Barzic, International conference on global practice of multidisciplinary scientific studies, Cyprus, 28-30 April 2023  (oral presentation)

7. Metallization of hydroxyethylcellulose/bio-additive composites for capacitor uses, Raluca Marinica Albu, Iuliana Stoica, Mihai Asandulesa, Andreea Irina Barzic, International Scientific Conference International, 9th edition, „Women in research: destinies, contributions, perspectives”, IAȘI-CHIȘINĂU-LVIV, 8-9 February 2024 (oral presentation)

8. Role of bentonite in upgrading the energy density of a cellulose derivative for utilization in energy storage, Andreea Irina Barzic, Iuliana Stoica, Raluca Marinica Albu, VII. International Ankara Multidisciplinary Studies Congress, Ankara, Turkey, 5-6 March 2024 (oral presentation)


Book chapter

1. An Introduction to Engineering Applications of Bioplastics, Andreea Irina Barzic, in Handbook of Bioplastics and Biocomposites Engineering Applications: 2nd Edition, Inamuddin and Tariq Altalhi (eds.), pp. 3-22, Wiley Scrivener Publishing LLC, USA, 2022.

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