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Dynamic Dual Mode Materials for Human Thermal Comfort
Project status: Ended
About Objectives Results Dissemination Team Contact

The overall objective of the project is to harness the expertise and skills of the research team, developed from previous fundamental research studies in the growing field of materials for thermal regulation, and develop a cost-effective integrated thermoregulatory material garment that leverages the static infrared-reflecting design of the space blanket and draws inspiration from the dynamic color-changing ability of squid skin.

Objective 1: Design and fabrication of small-area (< 10 cm wide by < 10 cm long) nanocomposite materials with adaptive infrared and thermoregulatory capabilities, which maximize the size of laboratory scale laminate materials integrated with fabrics.

Objective 2: Design and fabrication of small-area cloth with adaptive thermoregulatory capabilities, with a cost of < 10 € per linear meter which is comparable to the costs of analogous laminate materials used in textile and clothing industry currently.

Objective 3: Engineering of an integrated garment with adaptive thermoregulatory capabilities.

Objective 4: Validation of the process consisting in a laboratory technology for assembling the nanocomposite and cloth into high-performance product ready for use as active thermoregulatory material.

Objective 5: Increased visibility of the team and institution with at least three research papers describing fundamental results in ISI peer-reviewed journals, and one patent application for applicable results regarding the final product in the form of integrated thermoregulatory garment, as well as participation at least four conferences.

Objective 6: Increased awareness of available human resource for development of thermoregulatory technologies research in the European Union.

© 2025   "Petru Poni" Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Iasi