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Moving PLastics and mAchine iNdustry towards Circularity
Project status: Ongoing
About Objectives Results Dissemination Team Contact
Welcome to project PLAN-C

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  The project Plan-C is mostly targeting the mobilization of the plastics and plastics processing machine industry for a clean and circular economy and follows the goal of leaving no one behind and understanding the economic challenges and financial opportunities of the transition into a greener industry. The Plan-C project consortium, consisting of 14 partners from DE, AT, CZ, SK, HU, RS, BiH, RO, and MD, aims to boost the transformation of the plastics value chain in the Danube Region towards circularity. Through transnational collaboration between plastics processors/producers and the machine industry, the consortium aims to bring about a significant shift in the intricate plastics value chain.

The scope and activities of the project contribute to enhancing innovation and technology transfer in the Danube region and are aligned with two actions of the Priority Area 8:

Action 1: To foster cooperation and exchange of knowledge between SMEs, creative industry, academia, the public sector and civil society in areas of competence in the Danube Region
Action 3: To improve framework condition, support programs and capacity building of stakeholders, to enhance the collaboration between cluster initiatives and regional innovation strategies, with an accent on rural areas

The project Plan-C combines both, a wide deployment of its results and objectives but also close support and assisting activities for specific SMEs + small midcaps that will then be part of a greener and more sustainable industry and strategic development of an Action Plan.



© 2025   "Petru Poni" Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Iasi