News Staff Contact

Laboratory 8. Physical Chemistry of Polymers
Head of laboratory: Dr. Anton AIRINEI
Topics Team Main Results Research Groups
Group 8.4: Bio(nano)composites. Compatibility, kinetic and degradation studies

Project manager: Dr. Maria-Cristina POPESCU,

Dr. Maria-Cristina POPESCU / / senior researcher II (CS II)

Main scientific interests: 2D-COS spectroscopy and chemometric methods for the evaluation of detailed structural features at molecular level of complex systems; synthesis of bio-nanocomposite materials (based on cellulose nanocrystals, nanoclay particles and biopolymer matrices); antimicrobial nano biocomposite formulations for seed treatment and packaging films; modification and degradation of wood.

Experience in analysis and experimental techniques: structural (mid- and near infrared spectroscopy, Raman imaging, X-ray diffraction, UV/Vis spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy), morphological (optical microscopy, SEM, AFM and contact angle measurements) and thermal (thermogravimetry and differential scanning calorimetry) characterization of the polymers and polymeric systems and composites, water sorption behaviours of bio-based materials and their interaction with water. 

2D-COS (two dimensional correlation spectroscopy) and chemometric methods applied to different materials (like blends of polymer/liquid crystal, natural polymers or synthetic polymer/biopolymer) for elucidation of different intermolecular interactions or the order in which the materials structure is changed as a result of an external perturbation.

Dr. Carmen-Mihaela POPESCU / / senior researcher II (CS II)

Main scientific interests: thermal and chemical modification of wood; degradation processes affecting historic wood; effect of different degradative factors (fungi, temperature, humidity and UV light) and degradation/ageing mechanisms involved in wood degradation; synthesis of hydrophobic and superhydrophobic coating formulations for wood and wood-based products; bio-based (nano)composite formulations for wood and other organic substrate; Pickering emulsion polymerization.

Experience in different analytical techniques: optical and electronic microscopy; near (NIR) and mid (FT-IR) infrared spectroscopy and chemometric techniques; two dimensional correlation spectroscopy (2D-COS); X-ray diffraction; solid state CP/MAS 13C-NMR spectroscopy; thermogravimetry; and dynamic water vapour sorption (DVS).

Dr. Daniel TIMPU / / senior researcher II (CS II)


Dr. Doina BEJENARU / / senior researcher II (CS II)


Dr. Daniela FILIP / / senior researcher II (CS II)


Dr. Anamaria IRIMIA / / research assistant (AC)

Polymeric blends and composites, antimicrobial and antioxidant polymeric materials

Cosmina-Maria Bogza (drd)

Main scientific interests and experience: synthesis of superabsorbent nanocomposite hydrogels, cellulose and lignin extraction, infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy, near (NIR) spectroscopy, swelling tests, water vapour sorption

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