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Laboratory 8. Physical Chemistry of Polymers
Head of laboratory: Dr. Anton AIRINEI
Topics Team Main Results Research Groups
Group 8.2: Interactions and properties in complex polymeric systems

Project manager: Dr. Mihai Brebu,

  • The group has performed both fundamental and applied research. In this regard, in the last 10 years, five laboratory technologies verified at pilot scale were developed in order to obtain food packaging and antimicrobial urinary catheters.
  • The group has been involved in several European projects (FP7-NaPolyNet, EUREKA E! 4952, International EEA Romanian – Norway ACTIBIOSAFE; IAEA RO-17689, bTB-test, TROPSENSE, M-ERA NET, COMPIO 73/2017), bilateral projects Romania-Slovenia No: 525/2012, Romania-Greece No. 571/2012; Romania – France Brancusi no. 14883ph program 2015 ("PLASCAPT"), national (PN-II-PT-PCCA-BIONANOMED, PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-0906, PN-II-RU-TE-2014-4-1828, PN-II-RU-PD 460/2010) funded projects, and 15 COST Action projects (E54/2007-2011, FP0602/2007-2011, FP0802/2008-2012, FP0901/2009-2013, TD0802/2009-2013, FP0904/2010-2014, FP1006/2011-2015, FP1105/2012-2016, FP1205/2013-2017, FP1302/2013-2017, FP1303/2013-2017, CM1402/2014-2018, TN1301/2013-2017, FP1404/ 2015-2019, FP1407/ 2015-2019).
  • Since 2010 the group has published over 200 articles in ISI indexed journals with more than 4000 citations (ISI-WoS / ThomsonR).
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