· Hyperconjugated systems in polysilane matrix: inclusion of electronoactive compounds in polysilane matrix and study of the photo-electronic interactions;
· Hybrid polysilane/polymer composites: synthesis and study of materials obtained by including polysilanes in natural or synthetic polymers support
· Silicon-organic polymers with hyperconjugated polysilane segments
· Polysilane-based materials with applications in optics and molecular electronics
· Polysilane nanocomposite with applications in sensoristics and medical imaging
· Fluorescent polymeric composites and/or semiconductors in matrices of natural polymers
· Interactions between sigma-conjugated polymers and metal complexes
· Hyperconjugated supramolecular structures
· Polymeric transporters for silicon quantum dots (SiQD)
· Combined nanostructural analysis TEM/SAXS/GPC
· Materials for environment and energy
· Computational chemistry and processes optimization