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Laboratory 5. Natural Polymers, Bioactive and Biocompatible Materials
Head of laboratory: Dr. Gheorghe FUNDUEANU
Topics Team Main Results Research Groups
Group 5.3: Advanced polymeric materials with complex structures for biomedical and biotechnological applications

Dr. Aurica CHIRIAC

       Project manager

  • Innovative polymer structures

A.P. Chiriac, L.E. Nita, I. Neamtu, Possibilities of quercetin insertion into poly(N, N-dimethylacrylamide-co-3, 9-divinyl-2, 4, 8, 10-tetraoxaspiro (5.5) undecane) network, Materials Sci & Eng C, 47, 17 – 25 (2015).
A. Diaconu, A.P. Chiriac, L.E. Nita, N. Tudorachi, I.Neamtu, C. Vasile, M. Pinteala, Design and synthesis of a new polymer network containing pendant spiroacetal moieties, Designed Monomers and Polymers, 18 (8), 780-788 (2015).
A. P. Chiriac, A. G. Rusu, L. E. Nita, A.M. Macsim, N. Tudorachi, I. Rosca, I. Stoica, D. Tampu, M.Aflori, F. Doroftei; Synthesis of Poly(Ethylene brassylate-co-squaric acid) as Potential Essential Oil Carrier; Pharmaceutics 13, 477 (2021).
A. P. Chiriac, E. Stoleru, I. Rosca, Al. Serban, L.E. Nita, A.G. Rusu, A. Ghilan, A.M. Macsim, L. Mititelu-Tartau; Development of a new polymer network system carrier of essential oils; Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 149 (2022) 112919.

  • Synthetic/natural polymer complexes 

A.P. Chiriac,  L.E. Nita, A. Diaconu, M. Bercea, N. Tudorachi, D. Pamfil,  L. Tartau, Hybrid gels by conjugation of hyaluronic acid with poly(itaconic anhydride-co-3,9-diviny1-2,4,8,1 0-tetraoxaspiro (5.5)undecane) copolymers, Int J Biol Macromol, 98, 407-418 (2017).
N. Tudorachi, A. P. Chiriac, L. E. Nita, F. Mustata, A. Diaconu, V. Balan, A.G. Rusu,  G. Lisa, Studies on the nanocomposites based on carboxymethyl starch-g-lactic acid-co-glycolic acid copolymer and magnetite, Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry, 131, 1867-1880 (2018).
L. E. Nita, A. P. Chiriac,  M. Bercea, A. Ghilan, A.G. Rusu, N. Tudorachi, Multifunctional hybrid 3D network based on hyaluronic acid and a copolymer containing pendant spiroacetal moieties, Int J Biol Macromol, 125, 191-202 (2019).
L. E. Nita, A.P. Chiriac, A.G. Rusu, M. Bercea, A. Ghilan, RP. Dumitriu, L. Mititelu Tartau, New self-healing hydrogels based on reversible physical interactions and their potential applications, European Polymer Journal, 118, 176-185 (2019).

  • Polymeric nano-networks

I. Neamtu, A.P. Chiriac, L.E. Nita, N.  Tudorachi, A. Diaconu, In situ preparation of a magnetic composite during functionalization of poly[maleic anhydride-co-3,9-divinyl-2,4,8,10-tetraoxaspiro(5.5)undecane] with erythritol, J Nanopart Res 17, 254-268, (2015).
L. E. Nita, A. P. Chiriac, A.G. Rusu, M. Bercea, A. Diaconu, N. Tudorachi, Interpenetrating polymer network systems based on poly (dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate) and a copolymer containing pendant spiroacetal moieties, Materials Sci & Eng C, 87, 22 – 31 (2018).

A. Ghilan, A.P. Chiriac, L.E. Nita, Magnetic composites based on bovine serum albumin and poly(aspartic acid), Polymer engineering and science, 59, 1409-1415 (2019).
A. G. Rusu, A.P. Chiriac, L. E. Nita, , I. Rosca, D. Rusu, I. Neamtu, Self-Assembled Nanocarriers Based on Modified Chitosan for Biomedical Applications: Preparation and Characterization, Polymers. 11, 2593 (2020).

  • Polymeric systems with specific activity

A.P. Chiriac, L.E. Nita, N. Tudorachi, I. Neamtu, V. Balan, L.Tartau, Upon synthesis of a polymeric matrix with pH and temperature responsiveness and antioxidant bioactivity based on poly(maleic anhydride-co-3,9-divinyl-2,4,8,10-tetraoxaspiro [5.5] undecane) derivatives, Materials Sci & Eng C, 50, 348 – 357 (2015).
D. Ciolacu, C. Rudaz, M. Vasilescu, T. Budtova, Physically and chemically cross-linked cellulose cryogels: Structure, properties and application for controlled release, Carbohydrate Polymers, 151, 392–400 (2016).

A. G. Rusu, A. P. Chiriac, L..E. Nita, M. Bercea, N. Tudorachi, A. Ghilan, D. Pamfil, D. Rusu, F. D. Cojocaru, Interpenetrated polymer network with modified chitosan in composition and self-healing properties, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 132, pp. 374-384 (2019).
A.G. Rusu, A.P.Chiriac, L.E. Nita¸ I. Rosca, M. Pinteala, L. Mititelu-Tartau, Chitosan Derivatives in Macromolecular Co-assembly Nanogels with Potential for Biomedical Applications, Biomacromolecules, 21(10), 4231-4243 (2020)

A. P. Chiriac, M. Asandulesa, I. Stoica, N. Tudorachi, A. G. Rusu, L. E. Nita, V. M. Chiriac, D.Timpu; Comparative study on the properties of a bio-based copolymacrolactone system; Polymer Testing 109 (2022) 107555

  • Polymeric gel systems with low molecular mass crosslinkers

A.G. Rusu, A.P. Chiriac, L.E. Nita, L. Mititelu Tartau, N. Tudorachi, A. Ghilan. D. Rusu, Multifunctional BSA Scaffolds Prepared with a Novel Combination of UV-Crosslinking Systems, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 220(24), 1900378 (2019).

L. E. Nita, A. P. Chiriac, A. Ghilan, A. G. Rusu, D. Pamfil, I. Rosca, L. Mititelu-Tartau Alginate enriched with phytic acid for hydrogels preparation. Therapeutic applications; International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 189, 335–345, (2021).

A. Croitoriu , L. E. Nita, A. P. Chiriac , A. G. Rusu, M. Bercea; New physical hydrogels based on co-assembling of FMOC–amino acids; Gels , 7, 208 (2021).

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