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Innovative strategies to reduce optical losses through shielding polymer materials for more efficient photovoltaics
Status proiect: Finalizat
Despre Obiective Rezultate Diseminare Echipa Contact

The project aims to obtain PI materials with the role of photovoltaic shielding, which also induce lowering of optical losses in PV, thus enhancing the device ability to convert solar energy into electricity.




1. Polyimides containing chalcogen atoms in solution phase: viscoelasticity and interferometry analyses, A.I. Barzic, R.M. Albu, C. Hulubei, Rev. Roum. Chim., 66(4), 361–366 (2021)

2. A.I. Barzic, R.M. Albu, I. Stoica, C. Hulubei, New shielding covers based on transparent polyimide/ferrous sulfide composites that reduce optical losses in solar cells,  Compos. Sci. Technol., doi: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2021.109140 (2021)


Book chapter

1. A.I Barzic, Practices to enhance conversion efficiencies in solar cell, in Fundamentals of solar cells design, ed: Inamuddin, M.I. Ahmed, R. Boddula, M. Reazakazemi, Wiley, 247-270 (2021)



1. An environmentally route of surface texturing polyimide films for proper light management in solar cells, I. Stoica, C. Hulubei, R. M. Albu, A.I. Barzic, 5th International Conference on Chemical Engineering, Romania, Iași, 28–30.10.2020

2. Polyimide films for solar cell applications, A.I. Barzic, C. Hulubei, R. M. Albu, I. Stoica, 5th International Conference on Chemical Engineering, Romania, Iași, 28–30.10.2020

3. SPM monitoring of laser surface designing of polyimide films for efficient light management in a solar cell device, I. Stoica, C. Hulubei, R. M. Albu, A.I. Barzic, C. Ursu, NanoScientific Forum Europe Scanning Probe Microscopy NSFE 2020, virtual event - Trinity College, Ireland, Dublin, 23-25.09.2020

4. Mechanical alteration of the morphological features of a polyimide and their impact on interfacial compatibility, A. I. Barzic, I. Stoica, R.M. Albu; 4th Edition of the NanoScientific Forum Europe 2021 –  the platform for nanoscience and SPM research in Europe!, Freiburg, Germany, 15-17 .09. 2021

5. A new texturing approach of a polyimide shielding cover for enhanced light propagation in photovoltaic devices, A.I. Barzic, I. Stoica, R.M. Albu; 4th Edition of the NanoScientific Forum Europe 2021 –  the platform for nanoscience and SPM research in Europe!, Freiburg, Germany, 15-17 .09. 2021

6. Effect of the dianhydride moieties on refraction properties of polyimides based on chalcogen elements,  A.I. Barzic, R. M. Albu, M. Soroceanu, A.-D. Diaconu, B.C. Condurache, I. Stoica, 21th Edition of the International Conference  Tehnomus new Tehnomus New Technologies and Products in Machine Manufacturing Technologies - on-line edition 2021, Suceava, Romania, 11-13.11.2021

7. The influence of filler combination on the refractive index of polyimides used in photovoltaics, A.I. Barzic, R.M. Albu, M. A. Lungan, I. Stoica, 21th Edition of the International Conference  Tehnomus Tehnomus New Technologies and Products in Machine Manufacturing Technologies - on-line edition 2021, Suceava, Romania, 11-13.11.2021

8.  Double-layered polymer shielding cover with graded refractive index for solar cells with enhanced light harvesting; A.I. Barzic; Polymer processing in engineering  virtual conference / online - PPE 2021, Galati, Romania, 18-19.11. 2021


Proceedings papers

1. Effect of the dianhydride moieties on refraction properties of polyimides based on chalcogen elements;  A.I. Barzic, R. M. Albu, M. Soroceanu, A.-D. Diaconu, B.C. Condurache, I. Stoica; TEHNOMUS Journal, 28, 69-73 (2021)

2. The influence of filler combination on the refractive index of polyimides used in photovoltaics; A.I. Barzic, R.M. Albu, M. A. Lungan, I. Stoica; TEHNOMUS Journal, 28, 84-88 (2021)


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