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Expanding cellulose’s boundaries towards the fabrication of superior proton conductive membranes for fuel cells
Status proiect: Finalizat
Despre Obiective Rezultate Diseminare Echipa Contact
Autoritatea contractantă: Unitatea Executivă pentru Finanțarea Învățământului Superior, a Cercetării, Dezvoltării și Inovării (UEFISCDI)


Cod proiect: PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2020-0476

Nr.: PCE 19/2021

Contractor: Institutul de Chimie Macromoleculară “Petru Poni”

Buget: 1 198 032 lei

Durata: 36 luni

The project propose a new approach to construct proton conductive membranes based on a cheap, abundant, and renewable resource, based on cellulose. The strategy involves firstly, selective oxidation and functionalization of cellulose, in order to increase its versatility, by introduction high amounts of carboxylic groups, able to serve as active sites of proton conductivity.

Besides, nanocellulose prepared from agricultural wastes will act as a redoubtable reinforcing agent as well as providing high proton conductivity. Moreover, this matrix will incorporate different nitrogen-containing heterocycles. These heterocycles are “dry” proton conducting ionomers which can substitute water because they form similar hydrogen bond networks as water. The complex interactions between the polymeric matrix (abundant in the COOH and OH groups) and the low molecular weight heterocyclic dopant, bearing nitrogen atoms and double bonds, create favorable prerequisites to realize new materials with conductive properties. The replacement of water by heterocycles should result in the cellulose based composites characterized by the conductivity in the intermediate temperature range (over 100°C), under anhydrous conditions, desirable for various electrochemical devices, and are relevant in modern material science.

© 2024   Institutul de Chimie Macromoleculară "Petru Poni", Iași