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Data postarii: 2016-05-10 Termen limita: 2016-05-12 Ora: 12:00
Anunt: Achizitie laptop Asus
Detalii: Laptop ASUS P2520LA-XO0763T cu procesor Intel Core i5-5200U 2.20 Ghz, Broadwell, 15,6", 4Gb, 500GB, DVD-RW, Intel HD Graphics, Microsoft Windows 10, Black
Informatii Suplimentare: Ofertele pot fi trimise pana pe pe data de 12 mai 2016 ora 12.00 prin e-mail: sau fax 0232211299. Pentru informatii suplimentare puteti contacta telefonic personalul din cadrul compartimentului de achizitii publice: Daniel Condrea tel 0722950069

Data postarii: 2016-05-09 Termen limita: 2016-05-12 Ora: 12:00
Anunt: Achizitie injector HPLC
Detalii: Injector pentru HPLC model 7725 i (Rheodyne)
Informatii Suplimentare: Ofertele pot fi trimise pana pe pe data de 12 mai 2016 ora 12.00 prin e-mail: sau fax 0232211299. Pentru informatii suplimentare puteti contacta telefonic personalul din cadrul compartimentului de achizitii publice: Daniel Condrea tel 0722950069

Data postarii: 2016-05-09 Termen limita: 2016-05-12 Ora: 12:00
Anunt: Achizitie lot sticlarie de laborator Roth
Detalii: 1. Round flaskes , capacity 50 mL, joint (NS) 29/32 E 590.1
2. Round flaskes , capacity 100 mL, joint (NS) 29/32 E 592.1
3. Round flaskes , capacity 250 mL, joint (NS) 29/32 E 593.1
4. Round flaskes , capacity 500 mL, joint (NS) 29/32 E 595.1
5 Two-necked flasks, capacity 25 mL, Middle neck NS 14/23/ Side neck NS 14/23 KY12.1
6. Two-necked flasks, capacity 50 mL, Middle neck NS 14/23/ Side neck NS 14/23 KY13.1
7. Two-necked flasks, capacity 100 mL, Middle neck NS 14/23/ Side neck NS 14/23 KY14.1
8. Two-necked flasks, capacity 100 mL, Middle neck NS 29/32/ Side neck NS 14/23 E606.1
9. Reducing adapters, Sleeve (NS)14/23- Core (NS)29/32 K269.1
10. Reducing adapters, Sleeve (NS) 19/26- Core (NS) 14/23 K270.1
11. Reducing adapters, Sleeve (NS)29/32- Core (NS)14/23 K276.1
12. Chromatography columns, with fused in frit (porosity 0), length 300 mm, inner 10 mm, capacity 23 ml, standard ground joint 14/23 Y673.1
13. Chromatography columns, with fused in frit (porosity 0), length 200 mm, inner 15 mm, capacity 35 ml, standard ground joint 14/23 Y674.1
14. Liebig condensers, Jacket length (250 mm, Sleeve (NS) 14/23-Core (NS) 14/23, E631.1 1 15. Liebig condensers, Jacket length (250 mm, Sleeve (NS) 29/32-Core (NS) 29/32, E632.1 16. Bulb condensers, jacket length (160 mm),number of bulbs 5, Sleeve/Core (NS) 14/23 KX81.1 17. Bulb condensers, jacket length (250 mm),number of bulbs 5, Sleeve/Core (NS) 29/32 E634.1 18. Filter crucibles,capacity 8 ml, porosity 3, disc 23 mm E550.1 19. Filter crucibles,capacity 15 ml, porosity 3, disc 20 mm E554.1 20. Filter crucibles,capacity 30 ml, porosity 3, disc 30 mm E558.1 21. Dropping funnel with pressure compensation, With solid glass plugs, capacity 50 ml, Sleeve/Core (NS) 29/32, KL62.1 22. Dropping funnel with pressure compensation, With solid glass plugs, capacity 50 ml, Sleeve/Core (NS) 14/23 E642.1 23. Dropping funnel with pressure compensation, capacity 50 ml, Sleeve/Core (NS) 29/32 KL76.1 24. Parafilm "M" Width 50 mm, Length 75 m H951.1 25 Parafilm "M" Width 100 mm, Length 38 m H666.1 26. Rotilabo®-cork rings, For flask vol.10-100 ml, outside 110 mm, inner 60 H111.1 27. Rotilabo®-cork rings, For flask vol.250-500 ml, outside 80 mm, inner 30 H112.1 28. Pipette bulbs, made of silicon, 2 mL C530.1 29. Watch glasser – Made of soda lime glass with fused edges, ф 80 C083.1 30. Volumetric flasks, capacity 5 ml, Y231.1 31. Volumetric flasks, capacity 10 ml C162.1 32 Volumetric flasks, capacity 25 ml C164.1 33. Volumetric flasks, capacity 50 ml C165.1 34. Measuring cylinders class A, blue graduated, capacity 5 ml Y303.1 34. Measuring cylinders class A, blue graduated, capacity 10 ml Y304.1 35. Measuring cylinders class A, blue graduated, capacity 25 ml Y305.1 36. Measuring cylinders class A, blue graduated, capacity 100 ml Y307.1 37. Rotilabo-sleeve adapters, top outer 33mm, bottom outer 21 mm, height 24 mm, wall thickness 3mm 9757.1 38. Rotilabo-sleeve adapters, top outer 53mm, bottom outer 33 mm, height 34 mm, wall thickness 5 mm 9759.1 39. Rubber stoppers with turn-up lip, model 14,9, bottom 14.2 mm, top 15.5 mm EC95.1 40. Rotilabo-glass funnels funnel- outer 50 mm, stem-outer 7 mm, length of stem 50 mm EE62.1 41. Weighing paper 1069.2 42. Round flasks, , capacity 100 mL, joint (NS) 19/26 KY29.1
Informatii Suplimentare: Ofertele pot fi trimise pana pe pe data de 12 mai 2016 ora 12.00 prin e-mail: sau fax 0232211299. Pentru informatii suplimentare puteti contacta telefonic personalul din cadrul compartimentului de achizitii publice: Daniel Condrea tel 0722950069

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