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Quartz sand/polyelectrolyte composite microparticles with high loading/release of some inorganic/organic compounds from polluted waters
Project status: Ended
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Opening Workshop - 11.11.2020 


Article ISI publication:

  1.     Florin Bucatariu, Carmen Teodosiu, Irina Morosanu, Daniela Fighir, Ramona Ciobanu, Larisa-Maria Petrila, Marcela Mihai. An overview on composite sorbents based on polyelectrolytes used in advanced wastewater treatment, Polymers, 13, 3963, 2021.
  2. Corina Petronela Musteret, Irina Morosanu, Ramona Ciobanu, Oana Plavan, Andreea Gherghel, Malek Al-Refai, Ioana Roman, Carmen Teodosiu. Assessment of Coagulation-Flocculation Process Efficiency for the Natural Organic Matter Removal in Drinking Water Treatment, Water, 13, 3073, 2021.
  3. Maria Valentina Dinu, Ionel Humelnicu, Claudiu Augustin Ghiorghita, Doina Humelnicu. Aminopolycarboxylic Acids-Functionalized Chitosan-Based Composite Cryogels as Valuable Heavy Metal Ions Sorbents: Fixed-Bed Column Studies and Theoretical Analysis, Gels, 8, 221, 2022.
  4. Florin Bucatariu, Marius-Mihai Zaharia, Larisa-Maria Petrila, Frank Simon, Marcela Mihai. Sand/polyethyleneimine composite microparticles: Eco-friendly, high selective and efficient heavy metal ion catchers, Colloids Surf. A Physicochem. Eng. Asp., 649, 129540, 2022.
  5. Larisa-Maria Petrila, Vasile Robert Gradinaru, Florin Bucatariu, Marcela Mihai. Polymer/Enzyme Composite Materials – Versatile Catalysts with Multiple Applications, Chemistry-Switzerland, 4, 1312-1338, 2022.
  6. Florin Bucatariu, Larisa-Maria Petrila, Marius-Mihai Zaharia,  Frank Simon, Marcela Mihai, Sand/polyethyleneimine composites: Influence of sand size and shell cross-linking degree onto pollutants sorption/desorption properties, Water 2022, submitted 26.10.2022

Article BDI publication:

  1. R. Ciobanu, M. Mihai, C. Teodosiu. An overview of natural organic matter removal by coagulation in drinking water treatment, Proceedings of International Conference Progress in Organic Macromolecular Compounds, Volum 68(72), Nr. 4, 2022, ISSN 2537 – 2947 ISSN – L 0254 – 7104.



  1. F. Bucatariu, M. Zaharia, L. Petrila, M. Mihai. Sand/polyelectrolyte composites with affinity for different water pollutants; a XXXI-a editie a Congresului Internațional al Universitații Apollonia, Iași, Romania, 01-03.03.2021 (Oral communication).
  2. C. Teodosiu, F. Bucatariu, D. Fighir, I. Morosanu, R. Ciobanu, C. Păduraru, M. Mihai. Sustainable use of composite sorbents to remove emerging and priority pollutants in advanced wastewater treatment processes; 11th International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Management (ICEEM 11), Muttenz, Elveția, 08-10.09.2021 (Poster).
  3. F. Bucatariu, M.-M. Zaharia, L.-M. Petrila, M.-A. Trofin, M. Mihai. Synthesis and characterization of quartz sand/polyethyleneimine composite particles with application in water cleaning; 11th International Conference on Environmental Engineering and management (ICEEM 11), Muttenz, Elveția, 08-10.09.2021 (Oral communication).
  4. M. Mihai, L.-M. Petrila, M.-A. Trofin, M.-M. Zaharia, F. Bucatariu. Daisogel/(polycation/polyanion)n composite microparticles with affinity for emerging pollutants; 11th International Conference on Environmental Engineering and management (ICEEM 11), Muttenz, Elveția, 08-10.09.2021 (Oral communication).
  5. L.-M. Petrila, F. Bucatariu, M. Mihai. Composite materials based on polyelectrolytes used as sorbents in batch and column studies; ICMPP – open door to the future scientific communications of young researchers, MacroYouth’2021, 19.11.2021 (Oral communication).
  6. F. Bucatariu, L.-M. Petrila,  M.-M. Zaharia, M. Mihai. Core-shell polyelectrolyte composites with versatile properties in pollutants removal from contaminated waters; CONGRESUL INTERNAŢIONAL PREGĂTIM VIITORUL PROMOVÂND EXCELENŢA Ediția a XXXII-a, Universitatea Appolonia, Iași, Romania, 28.02.-02.03.2022 (Oral communication).
  7. L.-M. Petrila, F. Bucatariu, M. Mihai. Composite materials employed in the removal of emerging pollutants from contaminated waters; 12th International Conference on Materials Science and Engineering – BraMat 2022, Brașov, Romania, 09-12.03.2022 (Oral communication).
  8. L.-M. Petrila, F. Bucatariu, M. Mihai. Composite materials with immobilized pepsin for water cleaning; Exploratory workshop Next-Chem Innovative Cross-Sectoral Technologies, IVth Edition, Bucuresti, Romania, 19-20.05.2022 (Oral communication).
  9. C. Musteret, I. Morosanu, A. Gherghel, I. Romana, C. Teodosiu. Coagulation-flocculation efficiency to remove manganese and natural organic matter for drinking water treatment; 6th International Conference on Chemical Engineering (ICCE 2022), Iasi, Romania, 05-07.10.2022 (Poster).
  10. M. Mihai. Polyelectrolyte-based architectures for targeted applications in water cleaning and medicine; 20th Symposium POLYMERS 2022, Velingrad, Bulgaria, 05–08.07.2022 (Conferince).
  11. M. Mihai. Polyelectrolytes in multicomponent systems. application in water cleaning and medicine; A XXXVI-a CONFERINŢĂ NAŢIONALĂ DE CHIMIE –CNChim-2022, Călimănești-Căciulata, Romania, 04-07.10.2022 (Conferince).
  12. M. Mihai, (Multi)functional ionic polymers. synthesis, materials design, application, 14th Edition of the Symposium with International Participation - New Trends and Strategies in the Chemistry of Advanced Materials with Relevance in Biological Systems, Technique and Environmental Protection, Timișoara, România, 20-21.10.2022 (Conferince).


  1. Florin Bucatariu, Marius-Mihai Zaharia, Marcela Mihai, Carmen Teodosiu, „Procedeu de obținere a unui compozit de tip miez/înveliș pe bază de nisip și complecși polielectrolitici nestoechiometrici”, Cerere brevet No. A100565 din 16.09.2022.

Laboratory Technology:

  1. Florin Bucatariu, Marcela Mihai, Marius-Mihai Zaharia, Larisa Maria Petrila, Carmen Teodosiu, Daniela Fighir, Irina Morosanu. „Tehnologie de laborator de preparare şi utilizare a compozitului F100/PEI-AG în tratarea/epurarea apelor”.                                                  Registration number: 5584/17.10.2022 (Coordinator) and 37569/11.10.2022 (Partner) 
    Approval of Internal Comission no. 5585/17.10.2022 (Coordinator) and no. 37570/11.10.2022 (Partner).

Short research stage:

  1. Florin Bucatariu –  Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung e.V., Dresden, Germany, in the Polymer Interfaces Department, in the laboratory of dr. Frank Simon, Period: 25 Octomber – 07 November 2021, „Quartz sand/polyelectrolyte composite microparticles with high loading/release of some inorganic/organic compounds from polluted waters”.
  2. Florin Bucatariu – InsLeibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung e.V., Dresden, Germany, in the Polymer Interfaces Department, in the laboratory of dr. Frank Simon, Period:  01 – 14 August 2022, „Quartz sand/polyelectrolyte composite microparticles with high loading/release of some inorganic/organic compounds from polluted waters”.
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