_1.jpg) | Laboratory 9. Physics of Polymers and Polymeric Materials |
Head of laboratory: Acad. Bogdan C. SIMIONESCU |
Dr. Magdalena AFLORI e-mail: maflori@icmpp.ro |
- Development and implementation of innovative, conventional and unconventional methods and technologies, for obtaining multifunctional polymeric materials with applications in biomedical engineering, by:
- use of radiofrequency plasma and UV radiation - obtaining polymers with micro / nanostructured surfaces for targeted applications;
- Electrophilation methods - obtaining polymer nano / microfibers;
- combined treatments, in two steps, using metallic nanoparticles obtained by “green synthesis” for antimicrobial coatings.
- Morphological, topographic and compositional study of materials by methods of:
- FTIR miscroscopy: information about the chemical composition of the samples at the microscopic level and their corroboration with the images in visible light, determination of homogeneity, chemical composition of defects and contaminants, particle analysis from various samples;
- Raman confocal microscopy: performs spectroscopic imaging and imaging for the 3D profile of the surface, used in structural characterization and determination of the chemical composition of samples, is a complementary method to FTIR analysis;
- profilometry: determination of the polymer films thickness, of the thin layers, topological characterization of the thin deposits by evaluating the profile, the roughness, the surface texture and the deposition stress;
- SEM: in-depth characterization, quality control and failure analysis of a wide range of samples, on a large dimensional scale (mm ÷ nm) in terms of appearance, integrity, organization, roughness, porosity, quality and uniformity of the surface of the analyzed samples;
- EDAX: identification with high precision of the elements in the investigated material (from 5B to 92U) and obtaining a distribution map of the elements at the surface of the analyzed sample.