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Laboratory 2. Polyaddition and Photochemistry
Head of laboratory: Dr. Sergiu COȘERI
Description Research Groups Publications Projects Infrastructure
Equipment: DISCOVER (CEM 500) microwave system

Represents a powerful microwave synthesizer for performing a wide range of organic and inorganic synthetic chemistry reactions in fewer steps with increased yields, improved selectivity, and superior reproducibility. Performs atmospheric (up to 80 mL flask) and pressurized (10 mL flask) reactions and the vials employ easy-to-use snap on caps - no need for crimping tools. Working temperature ranged from ambient to 300 °C, which can safely be reached in a matter of minutes. Variable speed of the magnetic stirring.

- Dr. Viorica PODAȘCĂ / (Int. 137)
Equipment: Leica DM 2500M microscope with phase contrast, polarized light, fluorescence and temperature control

The microscope is designed for the analysis of various materials and quality control. Its unique concept combines the intuitive operation with the achieving of high quality images, providing rapid and accurate results. It operates in transmitted light illumination furnished by a halogen lamp. Images are always high-contrast and full of detail. Additionally, the microscope is equipped with fluorescence contrast and temperature Mettler Toledo controller.

Features: bright field, polarized light, objectives: 5x, 10x, 20x, 50x, 100x; 

- Dr. Violeta MELINTE / (Int. 241)
Equipment: Cone Plate Viscometer RM 100 TOUCH CP 2000

Represents a cone-plate rotating viscometer (with cone included) having rotation speeds between 0.3 and 1500 rpm and torque range from 0.05 to 30 mNm. Temperature can be varied between 5 to 80 °C through Peltier effect. Measure viscosity with a sample of less than 1ml. Quick warming and cleaning. Save the measurement protocols directly on the viscometer. Can be connected to a computer or a printer by USB port. External control thanks to the optional VISCO RM software.

- Dr. Violeta MELINTE / (Int. 241)
Equipment: Shimadzu AGS-J, 1kN Universal Tester

Generally used for evaluating the mechanical characteristics of various polymeric samples. It displays high precision and reliability in material testing, with forces measured with a precision better than ±1% of indicated values. The digital LED displays show either actual force or stress and either elongation or strain. A large variety of convenient functions can be selected such as automatic detection of specimen breakdown point or automatic force calibration. Appropriate for tensile, compression, 3-point bending and 4-point bending tests

- Dr. Violeta MELINTE / (Int. 241)
Equipment: Shimadzu RF-6000 Spectrofluorometer

The RF-6000 fluorescence spectrophotometer offers an extended wavelength and outstanding sensitivity, in addition to high-speed 3D measurements, ultrafast scanning, outstanding sensitivity, and more uptime. The intuitive software makes the RF-6000 spectrofluorometer an ideal instrument for a wide range of applications, from routine analysis to research and development: pharmaceuticals, food science, environmental monitoring, and chemicals.

Dr. Andreea Laura SCUTARU / (Int. 137)
Equipment: UV Illumination chamber SHH-150ZP - Shjianheng

The illumination chamber is operating at a 380 nm illumination wavelength and a lighting degree of approximately 7000 lx. Can be used for plant, material and drug testing. With a capacity of 150 L, it can operate in a fix and constant mode at temperature between 0-60 °C. The chamber is provided with a LED touch screen or digit display intellectual temperature and humidity controller with PID which automatically corrects the temeparture and humidity deviation. 

- Dr. Ștefan OPREA / (Int. 338)
Equipment: High & Low Temperature and Humidity Chamber SDJ7005 - Shjianheng

The temperature (-70-150 °C) and humidity (20-98% RH) chamber can realize both high and low temperature test, in a continuously run for a long time. The instruments is provided with a controller display, easy to understand and operate and has a inner capacity of 72 L.  Temperature/humidity tests study the effects of climatic changes on various compounds/components and is usually performed to help improve the long-term durability and service life of different products. 

- Dr. Ștefan OPREA / (Int. 338)
Equipment: Shimadzu EZ Test, 5kN Mechanical Tester

The instrument is used to evaluate the mechanical properties of polymeric materials and is characterized by high precision and reliability. It has a digital display based on LED indicating the applied force/stress and samples elongation degree. With a 5 kN maximum capacity, this device is perfect for tensile testing of plastics, being used for testing rubber, polymer films or other materials with long elongation.

- Dr. Ștefan OPREA / (Int. 338)
Equipment: KSV Cam 200 goniometer

The goniometer is equipped with a light source, camera, and flat horizontal support for test slides The CAM 200 device uses drop shape analysis for determining static or dynamic contact angles, absorption and surface or interfacial tensions of liquids. Contact angles on different substrates between 5° and 180° (accuracy 0.1°) and surface tension from 0.01 to 999 mN/m (accuracy 0.01 mN/m) can be accurately obtained after fitting the images with appropriate methods. Special algorithm searches drop profile with sub-pixel accuracy. Automatic baseline detection.

Max. sample size = unlimited x 150 x 38 (l x w x h)

- Dr. Luiza GRĂDINARU / (Int. 333)
Equipment: Laboratory centrifuge Hettich Universal 320R

Represents a standard capacity universal benchtop centrifuge with excellent performance and a comprehensive range of accessories for clinical or research application. Has a capacity  of 4 x 200 mL and a maximum rotation speed of maximum 15000 rpm. It is equipped with the noise dampening technology and push button open and close lid with drop protection.

Dr. Gabriela BILIUŢĂ / (Int. 143)
Equipment: Vacuum drying oven, Memmert VO200
  • Temperature range 20-200°C
  • Pressure range 5-1100 mbar
  • It can be used in series with a vacuum pump

Dr. Ioana DUCEAC/ (Int. 143)
Equipment: Heidolph Rotary Evaporator - Laborota 4000

Is designed for simple and complex distillations of volumes from 50 mL to 3 L. Convenient large dial controls for adjustment of rotation speed (rpm) and heating bath temperature.
Maximum temperature for water bath of 100 °C and 180 °C for oil bath. The rotation speeds range from 20 to 270 rpm. This evaporator is available with digital bath temperature display and has a easy to operate smooth running hand lift.

Dr. Gabriela BILIUŢĂ / (Int. 143)
Equipment: Titrator TitroLine 5000, SI Analytics

Provides the perfect combination of a syringe burette, a pH/mV meter and integrated intelligence.

  • pH measuring range between 0.00 ÷ 14.00
  • Measuring range of -1400 ÷ +1400 mV
  • Input temperature sensor Pt 1000;
  • Measuring range: - 30 ÷ +115 °C.

Dr. Raluca BARON / (Int. 143)
Equipment: Ultrapure water purification system, Adrona B30/Integrity+
  • The highend B30 and Integrity+ series water purification systems produce ultrapure water (grade I resistivity of 0.055 uΩ/cm and TOC <2 ppb).
  • It is designed for maximum convenience of use and has maximum features.
  • Integrity+ series system contains a 5L embedded tank to keep the system compact

Dr. Mădălina CULICĂ / (Int. 143)
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