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Advanced composite hydrogels with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties for the treatment of periodontosis
Status proiect: Finalizat
Despre Obiective Rezultate Diseminare Echipa Contact

The project objectives are:

  1. Development of new antibacterial and anti-inflammatory composite biomaterials with AgNps used in the local periodontitis treatment;
  2. Preparation and testing of the advanced antibacterial composite biomaterials using different methods; the optimization of the precursors and final composite biomaterials in terms of physicochemical properties, antibacterial activity, cytotoxicity and release kinetic profiles of antiinflammatory drug. Selection and validation of the best composite biomaterial; elaboration of the experimental model at laboratory scale.
  3. The development of laboratory technology for the preparation of a new composite biomaterial with AgNps and anti-inflammatory drug, with superior adhesive and antibacterial properties, used for local treatment of periodontitis.
© 2025   Institutul de Chimie Macromoleculară "Petru Poni", Iași