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Metal-organic frameworks based on fluorinated therphenilic ligands for gas storage and separation
Status proiect: Finalizat
Despre Obiective Rezultate Diseminare Echipa Contact
  1. The synthesis of the fluorinated aromatic carboxylic acids and their structural characterization (elemental analysis, NMR, IR). 
  2. The synthesis of porous coordination polymers with the new ligands and transitional metal salts. 
  3. Evaluation of the metal-organic frameworks thermal and water stability, surface area and pore volume and preferential gas adsorption/separation ability. 
  4.  Scientific results dissemination through the publication of at least two scientific papers in Web of Science indexed journal, at least one of which will be open access alongside the participation of at least two national or international scientific events with either oral or poster presentations.
© 2024   Institutul de Chimie Macromoleculară "Petru Poni", Iași