2018-2020 Dissemination: 5 published or under review ISI Articles, 2 Web of Science (Thomson Reuters) Articles, 11 oral communications and 7 posters at national and international conferences.
1. A. P. Chiriac, A. Ghilan, I. Neamtu, L. E. Nita, A. G. Rusu, V. M. Chiriac, Advancement in the Biomedical Applications of the (Nano)gel Structures Based on Particular Polysaccharides, Macromolecular Bioscience, 2019, 19, 1900187, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/mabi.201900187. (FI = 2.895).
2. I. E. Raschip, O. M. Paduraru-Mocanu, L. E. Nita, M. V. Dinu, Antibacterial porous xanthan-based films containing flavoring agents evaluated by near infrared chemical imaging technique, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 137 (2020) e49111. https://doi.org/10.1002/app.49111 . (FI = 2.52).
3. I. E. Raschip, N. Fifere, C. D. Varganici, M. V. Dinu, Development of antioxidant and antimicrobial xanthan-based cryogels with tuned porous morphology and controlled swelling features, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 156 (2020) 608–620.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2020.04.086 . (FI = 5.162) .
4. A. C. Grădinaru, M. V. Dinu, M. M. Lazar, I. A. Dinu, I. E. Raschip, M. Brebu, N. Ciocârlan, A. C. Aprotosoaie, Novel chitosan-dextrin cryogel sponge-like films embedding Thymus vulgaris essential oil with high potential application in Candida skin infections, Carbohydrate Polymers, Manuscript Number: CARBPOL-D-20-01649. (FI = 7.182)
5. I. E. Raschip, R. N. Darie-Nita, D. Pamfil, N. Fifere, A. Popirda, Cristi Logigan, M. V. Dinu, Mechanical, thermal and surface properties of novel xanthan-based cryogels, Cellulose Chemistry and Technology, accepted, 2020, https://www.cellulosechemtechnol.ro/firstonline.php
Web of Science published Articles (Thomson Reuters)
1. C. E. Luchian, E. C. Scutarasu, L. C. Colibaba, V. V. Cotea, L. Vlase, A. M. Toiu, Evaluation of byproducts from the wine-making industry by identification of bioactive compounds, BIO Web of Conferences 12, 04007 (2019), 41st World Congress of Vine and Wine, https://doi.org/10.1051/bioconf/20191204007.
2. C. E. Luchian, V. V. Cotea, L. Vlase, A. M. Toiu, L. C. Colibaba, I. E. Răschip, G. Nadăș, A. M. Gheldiu, C. Tuchiluș, L. Rotaru, Antioxidant and antimicrobial effects of grape pomace extracts, BIO Web of Conferences 15, 04006 (2019), 42nd World Congress of Vine and Wine, https://doi.org/10.1051/bioconf/20191504006.
National and International Conferences
Oral Communication
1. M. V. Dinu, I. E. Raschip, N. Fifere, “Synthesis and characterization of novel xantan-based cryogels” World Agriculture Congress 4th World Research Journals Congress (WRJC-2018), Timisoara, 23-27 Mai 2018.
2. I. E. Raschip, M. V. Dinu, N. Fifere, Novel xantan-based cryogels with potential applications in food industry 12th International Conference on Physics of Advanced Materials, 22-28th of September 2018, Heraklion, Greece (premiul Ilie D. Bursuc – for the outstanding oral presentation delivered by a young scientist I. E. Raschip).
3. M. V. Dinu, I. E. Răschip, N. Fifere, I. A. Dinu, Polysaccharide-based cryogels: preparation, characterization, and potential applications, „4th International Conference on Chemical Engineering – ICCE 2018”, Facultatea de Inginerie Chimică şi Protecţia Mediului “Cristofor Simionescu” din Iaşi, 31 octombrie – 2 noiembrie 2018.
4. C. E. Luchian, E. C. Scutarasu, L. C. Colibaba, V. V. Cotea, L. Vlase, A. M. Toiu, Evaluation of byproducts from the wine-making industry by identification of bioactive compounds, 41th World Congress of Vine and Wine, 19 - 23 November 2018, Punta del Este – Uruguay.
5. I. E. Răschip, M. V. Dinu, N. Fifere, “Optimizing the conditions for obtaining xanthan-based biomaterials using the freeze-thawing method”, 11th International Conference on Materials Science & Engineering”, Poiana Brasov, Romania, 13-16 Martie, 2019.
6. I. E. Raschip, N. Fifere, Xanthan based biomaterials using the freeze-thawing method, Al 13 lea Simpozion International de Produse Cosmetice si Aromatizante, ”Cosmetologia – Esenta De Frumos si Sănătate”, Iasi, 4 – 7 Iunie, 2019.
7. M. V. Dinu, A. C. Aprotosoaie, M. M. Lazar, I. A. Dinu, I. E. Raschip, Noi filme de tip criogel pe baza de chitosan si dextrina impregnate cu ulei esential de Thymus Vulgaris, Al 13 lea Simpozion International de Produse Cosmetice si Aromatizante, ”Cosmetologia – Esenta De Frumos si Sănătate”, Iasi, 4-7 Iunie, 2019.
8. I.-V. Platon, A. C. Aprotosoaie, M. V. Dinu, Activitatea antioxidanta a unor filme de chitosan cu structura poroasa ce contin ulei volatil de Thymus Vulgaris L., Congresul National al Studentilor Farmacisti din Romania, Cluj – Napoca, Romania, 10 - 14 Aprilie, 2019.
9. C. E. Luchian, V. V. Cotea, L. Vlase, A. M. Toiu, L. C. Colibaba, I. E. Răschip, G. Nadas, A. M. Gheldiu, C. Tuchilus, L. Rotaru, Antioxidant and antimicrobial effects of grape pomace extracts, Web of Conferences, 42nd OIV Congress, Geneva, Switzerland, 15-19 Iulie, 2019.
10. I. Raschip, N. Fifere, D. Pamfil, “Novel bioactive xanthan-based films with tuned architecture and swelling properties”, EPNOE 2019 - 6th EPNOE International Polysaccharides”, Aveiro, Portugalia, 21-25 Octombrie, 2019.
11. D. Pamfil, N. Fifere, I. E. Raschip, M. V. Dinu, “Morphology and antimicrobial properties of xanthan/polyvinyl alcohol cryogels containing red grape pomace”, Zilele Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi, Faculty of Chemistry Conference IasiCHEM 2019, 3rd Edition, 31 Octombrie – 1 Noiembrie 2019.
1. N. Fifere, A. Airinei, I. E. Raschip, Cerium doped ZnO nanoparticles owing structural and optical modified characteristics 12th International Conference on Physics of Advanced Materials, 22-28th of September 2018, Heraklion, Greece.
2. N. Fifere, I. E. Raschip, M. V. Dinu, C. E. Luchian, A. Popirda, “Novel films based on xanthan/polyvinyl alcohol impregnated with antioxidant agents for food industry”, 11th International Conference on Materials Science & Engineering”, Poiana Brasov, Romania, 13-16 Martie, 2019.
3. A. Popirda, C. E. Luchian, I. Raschip, C. E. Scutarasu, L. Vlase, A. M. Toiu, L. C. Colibaba, V. V. Cotea, “The influence of maceration-fermentation techniques on the content of antioxidant substances in three experimental wines obtained from Fetească Neagră”, 18th International Conference “Life sciences for sustainable development", Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 26 – 28 Septembrie, 2019.
4. A. Ghilan, A. P. Chiriac, L. E. Nita, A. G. Rusu, I. E. Raschip, A. Popirda, “Novel hyaluronic acid-based gels as potential drug delivery networks”, Zilele Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi, Faculty of Chemistry Conference IasiCHEM 2019, 3rd Edition, 31 Octombrie – 1 Noiembrie 2019.
5. A. Popirda, A. Ghilan, D. Pamfil, “Novel Eco-Friendly Packaging Based on Cryogels Owing Antioxidant Properties”, Zilele Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi, Faculty of Chemistry Conference IasiCHEM 2019, 3rd Edition, 31 Octombrie – 1 Noiembrie 2019.
6. M. M. Lazar, A. C. Aprotosoaie, M. V. Dinu, I. E. Raschip, “Antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of chitosan-based cryogel films embedding Thymus Vulgaris essential oil”, Zilele Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi, Faculty of Chemistry Conference IasiCHEM 2019, 3rd Edition, 31 Octombrie – 1 Noiembrie 2019.
7. I. E. Răschip, N. Fifere, M. V. Dinu, “Innovative xanthan-based biomaterials with antimicrobial activity”, Congresul Internaţional Pregătim Viitorul Promovând Excelenţa, Universitatea „Apollonia” din Iași, 27 Februarie – 1 Martie 2020.
