Single crystal X-ray

The Oxford-Diffraction XCALIBUR E CCD X-ray Diffractometer for
single-crystals is used to determine the molecular and crystalline structures
of different compounds with small molecular masses. The equipment includes: a
Xcalibur platform (a Kappa goniometer with 4-circles configured for the X-ray
source and generators), cooling units for the X-ray source and the CCD
detector, the EOS CCD detector having a high sensitivity with a diagonal
active area of 92 mm; the X-ray source (Mo Ka, λ = 0,71073 Å); a
CrysAlisPro software for intelligence gathering and processing the
experimental diffraction data needed for the crystallographic analysis of the
compounds with small molecular masses and proteins; a AutochemTM software
package for solving and refining the structures; Cryojet system XL (90-300K):
a Cryojet unit, a cooling system for making the diffraction experiment at
variable temperatures, Dewar flask capacity of 75 l for liquid nitrogen.
X-ray fluorescence

Bench Top EDXRF Spectrometer: fast, accurate, easy to use
Xenemetrix's X-Calibur Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence
(EDXRF) spectrometer offers a cost-effective solution in today's market for
elemental analysis. The compact spectrometer fits comfortably on a
traditional laboratory bench and includes a fully integrated computer system.
Xenemetrix's X-Calibur uses a high resolution detector, a
software integrated camera, and a powerful X-Ray tube with variable spot
sizes in order to accommodate samples of various sizes. The unique front -
anode geometry of the X-Ray tubes, combined with an advanced optical design,
permits extremely close coupling with the sample resulting in increased
The robust design and build make the X-Calibur ideal for a
mobile laboratory, and it meets MIL 810E specifications for shock testing.
The analyzer provides non-destructive qualitative and quantitative
determination of C(6)-Fm(100), which results in an exceptional product,
capable of delivering powerful analytical results now and into the future.
Bruker FTIR Spectrometer

A Bruker FTIR Spectrometer (VERTEX 70) equipped with a DLaTGS
detector which covers a spectral range from 12.000 to 250 cm-1,
working at room temperature and having a sensitivity of D*>2x108 cm Hz1/2W-1 and covers a spectral range from 7500 to 370 cm-1. Operating modes:
Transmittance MID-IR: 370-4000 cm-1; Transmittance FAR-IR: 180-600
cm-1; ATR with ZnSe crystal: 600-4000 cm-1.
Spectrophotometer UV-VIS

Spectrophotometer UV
-VIS (SPECORD PLUS) with double beam for transmittance, extinction, reflectance
and energy measurements for solid and liquid samples in spectral range 190 -
1100 nm. It is equipped with a carrier for films and integrating
Moisture sorption
analyser IGASORP (Hiden Analytical, Warrington, UK)

Moisture sorption analyser IGASORP (Hiden Analytical,
Warrington, UK) compact, fully automated, for fast and accurate sorption
measurements, in dynamic regime, for water and organic vapors. The equipment
allows the measurement of water vapors or organic solvent sorption capacities
and records the sorption/desorption isotherms and kinetic curves, in normal
or cyclic regime.
Sigma700 tensiometer
(KSV Instruments, Finland)

Sigma700 tensiometer (KSV Instruments, Finland) fully automated having a high
precision microbalance which allows the determination of various properties
of materials as: surface and interface tension, watering ability, dynamic
contact angles and critical micellar concentration.
Device for mechanical
tests Instron 3365

A device for mechanical tests Instron 3365 with a force cell
of 500N, used for testing the materials and products made by elastomers. The
instrument for mechanical tests is equipped with a high precision video
extensometer which allows the deformation measurements with a high accuracy
without being in contact with the sample. Furthermore, the device has a
climatic chamber which permits the sample testing in a temperature range of
-100oC and -350oC. The materials can be exposed to
different tests as: traction, traction in cyclic regime or compression. By
making the traction and/or compression tests it is possible to determine the
highest stretch, stretching stress, Young modulus, residual strain, impact
bend strength, yield stress etc.
Cryogenic Mixer Mill

The CryoMill is a cryogenic grinder designed with user safety
in mind. The liquid nitrogen flows through the closed system and the user
never comes into direct contact with LN2 which ensures a high degree of
operational safety. The automatic cooling system guarantees that the grinding
process is not started before the sample is thoroughly cooled. This results
in reduced consumption and guarantees reproducible cryogenic grinding
results. The CryoMill is very easy to operate. Parameters such as oscillation
frequency, pre-cooling or grinding time can be digitally set via a clearly
structured keypad. LEDs in the display indicate the current state of
operation, e.g. cooling or grinding. Usually, grinding only takes a few
minutes so that the sample does not get warm during the process. If, however,
longer grinding times are required, it is also possible to pre-select periods
of intermediate cooling and the number of cryogenic cycles.
The HAAKE Rheo Win
Viscotester VT 7 L plus viscometer

The HAAKE Rheo Win Viscotester VT 7 L plus viscometer is a
classic rotational viscometer used for rapid dynamic determination of the
viscosity of materials, including polymers, as such or in solutions with
various solvents, and the viscosities of reaction systems. Measurements with
this device are made in accordance with ISO 2555 standards and the equivalent
ASTM D2930 standard. The device is intended for use as a stationary device.
The principle of operation is based on immersing the cylinder or working disc
in the tested substance and measuring the force required to overcome the
resistance of viscosity to rotation or flow and the result is a direct
reading of the viscosity value in mPa×s. Operating conditions: - ambient
temperature: 10 - 40 ℃; - sample temperature: -15 .... + 120 ℃.
Reproducibility of measured values: +/- 0.2% of scale. Viscosity range: 3 -
6000000 mPa×s.
KSV NIMA Langmuir and
Langmuir-Blodgett Systems

Langmuir and Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) devices are efficient and effective in investigating
floating monolayers, precise deposition of multilayers onto solid substrates
or simply as platforms for use in observing surface chemistry effects such as
the breakdown of an enzyme or the crystalline structure of a surfactant.
Schlenk line

Schlenk line is a chemistry apparatus developed by Wilhelm Schlenk,
consisting in a dual manifold with several ports. One manifold is connected
to a source of purified inert gas, while the other is connected to a vacuum
pump. The inert-gas line is vented through an oil bubbler, while solvent
vapors and gaseous reaction products are prevented from contaminating the
vacuum pump by a liquid-nitrogen or dry-ice/acetone cold trap. Special
stopcocks or Teflon taps allow vacuum or inert gas to be selected without the
need for placing the sample on a separate line. Schlenk lines are useful for
safely and successfully manipulating moisture- and air-sensitive compounds.
The vacuum is also often used to remove the last traces of solvent from a
sample. Vacuum and gas manifolds often have many ports and lines, and with
care, it is possible for several reactions or operations to be run
Duetta Fluorescence and
Absorbance Spectrometer

Fluorescence and
Absorbance in one Spectrometer!- Duetta can be used as a fluorometer, as a
UV-Vis-NIR spectrometer to measure absorbance, or as an instrument that
measures true molecular fingerprints, which require the acquisition of
fluorescence and absorbance, correcting for IFE in real time. Fluorescence
in the Blink of an Eye! - Duetta's ultra-fast, state-of-the-art CCD
technology allows it to outperform, by orders of magnitude, any competitor
using PMTs. It's the fastest bench-top fluorometer in the world, and the only
fluorometer that can acquire a full spectrum in less than 100 milliseconds!
This state-of-the-art CCD technology also extends NIR wavelength detection to
1,100 nm, well beyond the limit of a standard PMT fluorometer. Highest
Fluorescence Sensitivity in its Class- Having the highest level of
fluorescence sensitivity means that Duetta's optimized design lets you measure
lower concentrations of a sample, and provides better quality data.
Speed Mixer DAC 150 SP

SpeedMixer™ DAC 150 SP is a laboratory-sized instrument for the rapid mixing
and grinding of materials that would otherwise require large amounts of time
and / or effort to mix and / or grind.
Vacuum drying oven
Multireactor system
Ultrasound reactor
Ultrasound cleaning bath
Edwards high vacuum pump