The Chemistry doctoral field is a field anchored in traditional research within the Romanian Academy, developed on the main research directions of the institutes organizing doctoral studies under the Doctoral School of Chemical Sciences - SDSC within The School of Advanced Studies of the Romanian Academy - SCOSAAR.
Within the Petru Poni Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Iasi, the studies are mainly focused in the synthesis of new macromolecular compounds, their fully characterization, the obtaining of materials and the study of their properties and application in various fields.
The integration of all PhD students in studies that follow the research laboratories specifications of the Ilie Murgulescu Institute of Physical Chemistry, Bucharest, topics in obtaining and characterization of materials with semiconductor and complex architecture properties for opto-electronic applications, piezoelectric and sensor-type applications, non-covalent interactions, gels, colloidal systems.
The Chemistry doctoral domain is a domain anchored in traditional research within the Coriolan Drăgulescu Institute of Chemistry, Timisoara, which is based on the existence of collectives which have the traditional chapters of chemistry as their profile: inorganic, organic and computational chemistry.
In accordance with the current trends, the objectives targeted by the topic addressed within the doctoral school, go beyond the traditional teaching framework so that the current topic is oriented towards the synthesis of compounds, the obtaining of inorganic, organic, macromolecular, metal-organic compounds, nanocomposites, their structural characterization and property setting in order to identify species with potential applicability in different fields.
The mission of the Chemistry doctoral field is to develop a highly specialized human resource through research for research-development and innovation, competent in the macromolecular compounds and polymer materials field, capable of insertion on the highly qualified labor market, by ensuring a creative, deontological, suitable for academic studies, advanced scientific research, interdisciplinary approaches and the promotion of scientific collaborations at national and international level.
Doctoral studies are aimed at educating doctoral students through research, under the internationally recognized doctoral supervisors coordination, with expertise acquired in prestigious universities in Europe. The rapid transfer of research results into production by moving from the laboratory phase to the prototyping phase and the realization of portable microdevices with the help of IMMs/clusters with which are collaboration agreements.
