Stage (2) 2019: 
Achieving of hybrid nanocomposites by using different combinations of inorganic nanoparticles (metals, metal oxides) and photopolymerizable monomers
Design and synthesis of new (meth)acrylate/urethane-(meth)acrylate monomers derived from renewable sources (gelatine, castor oil or glycerol) with appropriate functionalities (carboxyl, hydroxyl, thiol, amino or silane) able to interact in a controlled manner with inorganic nanoparticles
Preparation of hybrid coatings with bimetallic or metal/metal oxide combinations by in situ generation of metal nanoparticles (Ag, Au or Cu) in photopolymerizable mixtures. Characterization and testing of possible applications.
Selection and functionalization of photocrosslinkable monomers used in dental applications in order to confer them the ability to immobilize/stabilize TiO2 or ZrO2 nanoparticles in situ generated.
Preparation, characterization and evaluation of new photocrosslinked coatings containing TiO2, ZrO2 nanoparticles or their combinations for the obtaining of durable, aesthetic and biocompatible dental sealing materials.
In this stage of the project, photopolymerizable monomers functionalized with carboxyl, silane, methacrylate or methacrylamide groups were synthesized and characterized by specific methods (FT-IR, 1H NMR, 13C NMR). For various experimental formulations containing monomer mixtures, the optimum light-curing conditions of were tested.
Diminish of the double bond absorption band at 1637 cm−1 for an experimental formulation after 300 s of UV irradiation (a) and the conversion degree measured for some proposed photocrosslinkable monomer mixtures
Hybrid polymeric composites in which metal nanoparticles (Ag, Au or Au-Ag) were in situ photogenerated in monomer mixtures simultaneously with the photopolymerization process were prepared along with hybrid composites containing functionalized ZnO nanoparticles and in situ photogenerated Au or Ag nanoparticles. The efficiency of the photopolymerization process and the double bonds conversion degree of the formulations was quantified from the FTIR spectra, the formation of the nanoparticles being confirmed by UV-vis spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The applicative potential of the prepared composites was tested by evaluating their photocatalytic activity in the photodegradation of 4-nitroaniline (4-NA) or methylene blue under visible irradiation at room temperature.
Hybrid coatings with in situ generated TiO2 or ZrO2 nanoparticles were prepared. The obtained samples were characterized in order to evaluate the formation of nanoparticles, their distribution/agglomeration and their mechanical or hydrophilic properties, important aspects from the perspective of future practical applications in dentistry.
Scientific articles
Violeta Melinte, Lenuta Stroea, Tinca Buruiana, Andreea L. Chibac, Photocrosslinked hybrid composites with Ag, Au or Au-Ag NPs as visible-light triggered photocatalysts for degradation/reduction of aromatic nitroderivatives, European Polymer Journal 121 (2019) 109289. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2019.109289 (IF = 3.621)
Andreea L. Chibac, Gheorghe Roman, Corneliu Cojocaru, Gabriela Sacarescu, Mihaela Simionescu, Liviu Sacarescu,Pyrazoline based chloride sensor for body fluids screening, Journal of Molecular Liquids 284 (2019) 139–146. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molliq.2019.04.007 (IF = 4.561)
Violeta Melinte, Tinca Buruiana, Irina Rosca, Andreea L. Chibac, TiO2-based photopolymerized hybrid catalysts with visible light catalytic activity induced by in situ generated Ag/Au NPs, ChemistrySelect 4 (2019) 5138–5149. https://doi.org/10.1002/slct.201803930 (IF = 1.716)
Andreea L. Chibac, Gheorghe Roman, Corneliu Cojocaru, Sergiu Shova, Gabriela Sacarescu, Mihaela Simionescu, Liviu Sacarescu, Bichromophoric pyrazoline derivative with solvent-selective photoluminescence quenching, Journal of Molecular Liquids 278 (2019) 156–163. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molliq.2019.01.067 (IF = 4.561)
Violeta Melinte, Lenuta Stroea, Andreea L. Chibac, Polymer Nanocomposites for Photocatalytic Applications, Catalysts (IF = 3.444), under review.
Conference presentations
Andreea L. Chibac, Tinca Buruiana, Violeta Melinte, Hybrid photopolymerized nanocomposites used as photocatalysts for organic pollutant degradation, International Conference “Achievements and perspectives of modern chemistry”, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, October 9-11, 2019 (oral communication).
Lenuta Stroea, Violeta Melinte, Andreea L. Chibac, Viorica Podasca, Tinca Buruiana, Photocatalytic performance of polymeric hybrid coatings containing ZnO nanoparticles, International Conference “Achievements and perspectives of modern chemistry”, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, October 9-11 2019 (oral communication).
Andreea L. Chibac, Tinca Buruiana, Violeta Melinte, Nanocompozite hibride fotopolimerizate utilizate ca fotocatalizatori pentru degradarea poluanților organici, A XXVII-a Sesiune de Comunicări Ştiinţifice a Institutului de Chimie Macromoleculară „Petru Poni” Iaşi „Progrese în ştiinţa compuşilor organici şi macromolecular” Iasi, Romania, 2-4 Octombrie 2019 (oral communication).
Andreea L. Chibac, Lenuta Stroea, Violeta Melinte, Hybrid polymer composites with Ag, Au or Au-Ag NPs as photocatalysts for the degradation/reduction of nitroaromatics, 21st Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, RICCCE 21, Constanta – Mamaia, Romania, September 4-7 2019 (oral communication).
Violeta Melinte, Andreea L. Chibac, Tinca Buruiana, Prepararea de compozite hibride fotoreticulate ce conțin nanoparticule metalice fotogenerate in situ, A XXVII-a Sesiune de Comunicări Ştiinţifice a Institutului de Chimie Macromoleculară „Petru Poni” Iaşi „Progrese în ştiinţa compuşilor organici şi macromolecular” Iasi, Romania, 2-4 Octombrie 2019 (poster).
Violeta Melinte, Andreea L. Chibac, Viorica Podasca, Tinca Buruiana, Emil C. Buruiana, UV-Cured polymeric hybrid coatings containing ZnO nanoparticles with photocatalytic properties, 21st Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, RICCCE 21, Constanta – Mamaia, Romania, September 4-7 2019 (poster).
