PolyChar World Forum on Advanced Materials
30th Edition

Iasi ● Romania ● September 11 - 13, 2024


Welcome to PolyChar’30

It is our pleasure to invite you to attend the 30th edition of PolyChar World Forum on Advanced Materials (PolyChar’30) organized between 11 and 13 September 2024 at Petru Poni Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry in Iasi (Romania).

Created by Witold Brostow, Michael Hess and Kevin P. Menard and first organized in 1992 at the University of North Texas, Denton (TX) (U.S.A.), PolyChar is focused on giving researchers from academia and industry the opportunity to present their work to a large international audience, to meet prominent scientists, and to attend tutorials held by worldwide recognized experts.

From Denton, the conference proceeded to different parts of the world: Portugal (2004), Singapore (2005), Japan (2006), Brazil (2007), India (2008), France (2009), Germany (2010), Nepal (2011), Croatia (2012), South Korea (2013), South Africa (2014), USA (2015), Poland (2016), Malaysia (2017), Georgia (2018), Italy (2019), Armenia (2022), France (2023).

Initially focused on polymer characterization, hence the name PolyChar, the conference subsequently included hot areas covering all materials of all classes: Concrete; Metals; Alloys; Modelling; Nanomaterials and Smart Materials; Natural and Biodegradable Polymers, Recycling and Sustainability; Polymer Synthesis; Polymers for Energy; Rheology, Solutions and Processing; Mechanical Properties and Processing; Characterization and Structure-Property Relationships; Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering; Dielectric and Electrical Properties; Surfaces, Interfaces and Tribology; Predictive Methods.

By tradition, PolyChar’30 will include a one-day lecture session dedicated to younger participants and a two-day scientific meeting following a broad range of topics.

We are waiting for you in Iasi!

Chairpersons of PolyChar'30
Alice MIJA, Marcela MIHAI and Bogdan C. SIMIONESCU


Carl Klason Student Award – for young scientists

Bruce Hartmann Prize – for young scientists

Svante Arrhenius International Materials Research Prize - for senior scientists and engineers

Paul J. Flory International Materials Research Prize - for senior scientists and engineers

PolyChar’30 Prize Committee

Chair: Liubov P. MYASNIKOVA (Abram Yoffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Rusia)
Vice Chair: Cosimo CARFAGNA (Federico II University of Naples, Italy)

PolyChar Board

President: Alice MIJA (Université Côte d'Azur, Nice, France)

Vice Presidents: Veronica AMBROGI (Federico II University of Naples, Italy)

Elizabete F. LUCAS (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

Cyrille SOLLOGOUB (Conservatoire National des Arts and Métiers, Paris, France)

Honorary President: Witold BROSTOW (University of North Texas, Denton)

Chair of the Industrial Relations Committee: Kevin P. MENARD (Mary Kay Corp., Dallas, USA)

Chair of the Membership Committee: Masaru MATSUO (Nara Women’s University and Dalian University of Technology)