a) Papers with impact factor
a1) Ghimici, L., Suflet, D.M. Phosphorylated polysaccharide derivatives as efficient separation agents for zinc and ferric oxides particles from water. Separation and Purification Technology, 144, 31-36, 2015. Impact factor 3,091
a2) M. Mihai, Ion Bunia, Florica Doroftei, Cristian-Dragos Varganici, and Bogdan C Simionescu, Highly efficient Cu(II) ion sorbents obtained by CaCO3 mineralization on functionalized cross-linked copolymers. Chem. Eur. J. 21, 5220–5230, 2015. Impact factor 5,731
a3) Mihai M., Steinbach C., Aflori M., Schwarz S., Design of high sorbent pectin/CaCO3 composites tuned by pectin characteristics and carbonate source. Mater. Design., 86, 388–396, 2015. Impact factor 3,501
a4) Tudorachi, N., Bunia, I. Synthesis and thermal investigation by TG–FTIR–MS analysis of some functionalized acrylic copolymers and magnetic composites with Fe3O4. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 116, 190–201, 2015. Impact factor 3,564
a5) Pintilie O., Andries C., Cosma A., Zaharia M., Drochioiu G., Vasilache, V., Sandu, I. The influence of dinitrophenolic pesticides on the viability of plants. Rev. Chim. (Bucharest), 66(9):1321-1326, 2015. Impact factor 0,81
a6) Zaharia M., Gradinaru R., Interaction of human hemoglobin with methotrexate, J. Appl. Spectrosc., 82(2), 278-285, 2015. Impact factor 0,514
a7) Drochioi C., Costan V.V., Zaharia M., Boisteanu O., Sandu I. G., Earar K., Popescu E., FT-IR caracterization of some biological materials used in reconstructive surgery, Rev. Chim (Bucharest), 66(9), 1302-1305, 2015. Impact factor 0,810
a8) Popescu I., Suflet D.M., Poly(N-vinyl caprolactam-co-maleic acid) microparticles for cationic dye removal, Polym. Bull., 73(5), 1283-1301, 2016. Impact factor 1,438
a7) Zaharia M., Tudorachi L., Pintilie O., Drochioiu C., Gradinaru R., Murariu M., Banned dinitrophenols still trigger both legal and forensic issues. Environ. Forensics, 17(1), 120-130, 2016. Impact factor 0,687
a8) Ciobanu C. I., Carlescu I., Lisa G., Antoci V., Vasilache V., Scutaru D., Drochioiu G., Thermal behavior of some bent-core resorcinol derivatives with azo-type spacers and variable flexible chain. Lett. Org. Chem., 13(2): 156-161, 2016. Impact factor 0.664
a9) Pintilie O., Ion L., Surleva A., Zaharia M., Gradinaru R., Drochioiu G., Sandu I., Monitoring methods which influence plants viability in genetic conservation: enzymatic assay, Rev. Chim. (Bucharest), 67(4):687-691 2016. Impact factor 0,810
a10) Ghimici L., Cationic polyelectrolyte induced separation of some inorganic contaminants and their mixture (zirconium silicate, kaolin, K- feldspar, zinc oxide) as well as of the paraffin oil from water. J. Environ. Manag., 169, 1-7, 2016. Impact factor 2,723
a11) Surleva A., Zaharia M., Pintilie O., Sandu I., Tudorachi L., Gradinaru R., Improved ninhydrin-based reagent for spectrophotometric determination of ppb levels of cyanide, Environ. Forensics, 17, 48-58, 2016. Impact factor 0,562
a12) Pintilie, O., Zaharia, M., Cosma, A., Murariu, M., Gradinaru, R., Balan, G. G., Drochioiu, G., Sandu, I. Assessment of alcohol production by uncoupling oxidative phosphorylation on some pollutants. Rev. Chim., 67(2), 375-377, 2016. Impact factor 0.956
a13) Ciobanu, C.-I., Stefanescu, R., Niculaua, M., Teslaru, T., Gradinaru, R., Drochioiu, G.* Mass spectrometric evidence for iron binding to the neuroprotective peptide NAP and its Cys5 mutant. Eur. J. Mass Spectrom., 22, 97–104, 2016. Impact factor 1.011
a14) Stefanescu R., Butnariu A. E., Zamfirache M.M., Surleva A., Ciobanu C. I., Pintilie O., Drochioiu G., Yeast-based microbiological decontamination of heavy metal contaminated soils of Tarnița. Carpat. J. Earth Environ. Sci., Submitted 22.10.2015. Impact factor 0,63
a15) Surleva, A., Ilieva, D., Argirova, M., Murariu, M., Drochioiu, G. Tarnita Forest Area: An Ecological Disaster and Potential Remediation Solutions. part I. Study of Toxicity of Soil and Sterile Dump Material from a Closed Barite Mine in Romanian Tarnita-Suceava Area by Chemical and Biological Tests. PloS One, Submitted 2016. Impact factor 3,234
a16) Habasescu, L., Ciobanu, C.I., Pui, A., Murariu, M., Risca, I.M., Drochioiu, G. Aβ(9-16) peptide fragment and its complexes with metal ions: Their possible relationship with Alzheimer pathology. Curr. Org. Chem., Submitted 2016
b) Papers published in conferences proceedings
b1) Mihai, M. Polyelectrolytes in Calcium Carbonate Mineralization. Proceedings of the 2nd CEEPN Workshop on Polymer Science, pg 20-23, 2014
b2) Doroftei, F., M. Mihai, Simionescu, B. C. Complex macromolecular templates for calcium carbonate microparticles growth.Proceedings of the 2nd CEEPN Workshop on Polymer Science, pg 107-110, 2014
b3) Drochioiu, G., Butnariu, A. E., Stefanescu, R., Necula, R., Iacoban, C. Possible heavy metal bioremediation of Tarnita forestry area. 16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM, Bulgaria, www.sgem.org, SGEM2016 Conference Proceedings, ISBN 978-619-7105-62-9 / ISSN 1314-2704,Vol. II, Book 3, 609-616, 2016. DOI: 10.5593/SGEM2016/B32/S14.080;
b4) Drochioiu, G., Surleva, A., Ilieva, D., Tudorachi, L., Necula, R. Heavy metal toxicity around a closed barite mine in Tarnita-Romania. 16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM, Bulgaria, www.sgem.org, SGEM2016 Conference Proceedings, ISBN 978-619-7105-62-9 / ISSN 1314-2704, Vol. II, Book 3, 525-532, 2016. DOI: 10.5593/SGEM2016/B32/S14.069
b5) Murariu, M., Surleva, A., Bunia, I. Sterile-induced toxicity in Tarnita forestry ecosystem. 16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2016, www.sgem.org, SGEM2016 Conference Proceedings, ISBN 978-619-7105-62-9 / ISSN 1314-2704, June 28 - July 6, 2016, Book 3 Vol. 2, pp 631-638.
c) Plenary Conferences & Oral Presentations
c1) Mihai, M. Polyelectrolytes in Calcium Carbonate Mineralization.The 2nd CEEPN Workshop on Polymer Science, 24-25.10.2014, Iasi, România
c2) Murariu, M., Ciobanu, C. I., Drochioiu, G., Mangalagiu, I. Oral presentation C-10: Abeta1-16 conformational changes induced by heavy metals: NMR, MS, AFM, and FT-IR studies. VIIIth Symposium Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, Physics and Biological Sciences Warsaw, 24-26 September 2014.
c3) Drochioiu, G. Eco-friendly methods for heavy metals removal from Tarnita closed mine. The 25th International Conference of Ecology & Safety, 23rd to 27th June 2016, Elenite, Burgas, Bulgaria. http://www.conferencealerts.com/show-event?id=160152
c4) Drochioiu, G. Yeast-based decontamination of sterile-contaminated soils of Tarnita. The 25th International Conference of Ecology & Safety, 23rd to 27th June 2016, Elenite, Burgas, Bulgaria. http://www.conferencealerts.com/show-event?id=160152
c5) Murariu, M. Evaluation of arsenate toxicity within wheat germination experiments: environmental forensic implications. The 25th International Conference of Ecology & Safety, 23rd to 27th June 2016, Elenite, Burgas, Bulgaria. http://www.conferencealerts.com/show-event?id=160152
c6) Butnariu, A. E., Ştefănescu, R., Pintilie, O., Murariu, M., Bunia, I., Surleva, A., Ciobanu, C. I., Iacoban, C., Zamfirache, M.M. Wheat seeds as markers of heavy metal pollution and decontamination of tarniţa mining area. 12th International Conference on Colloid and Surface Chemistry, ICCSC’2016. https://iccsc2016.wordpress.com/program/
c7) 1. Drochioiu, G. Otrăvuri şi nivele de organizare ale organismelor vii. Conferinţa Naţională de Criminalistică Ediția a IV-a, Iași, 2,3 Aprilie 2016. Acknowledgement: Guvernul Romaniei & UEFISCDI, Proiect parteneriat Metafore (PN-II-PT-PCCA-2013-4-1149, Contract 107/2014).
d) Posters
d1) Doroftei, F., Mihai, M., Simionescu, B. C.Complex macromolecular templates for calcium carbonate microparticles growth. The 2nd CEEPN Workshop on Polymer Science, 24-25.10.2014, Iasi, România
d2) Bunia, I., Mihai, M., Doroftei, F., Tudorachi, N. Synthesis and characterization of functionalized acrylic copolymers with magnetic properties. A XXXIII-a Conferinta Nationala de Chimie, cu participare internationala, 01-03.10.2014, Caciulata, Valcea
d3) Ciobanu, C. I., Murariu, M., Suflet, D., Drochioiu, G. Poster: Interactions of amyloid—beta peptides with metal ions: Characterization by NMR spectroscopy. VIIIth Symposium Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, Physics and Biological Sciences Warsaw, 24-26 September 2014.
d4) Ciobanu C.-I., Stefanescu R., Jureschi M., Antoci V., Niculaua M., Vasilache V., Drochioiu G. P 14. Binding of redox-active metals to peptides. Conf. Zilele UAIC Iaşi, 27-29.10.2016, pag. 37. Acknowledgments: Funding from the Romanian Government within the Partnership Project Metafore (Contract 107/2014).
d5) Jureschi, M., Ciobanu, C.I., Ştefănescu, R., Zbancioc, Gh., Drochioiu, G. P05. Sinteza şi analiza prin RMN şi SM a două fragmente derivate din peptida ß amiloidică. Sesiunea de comunicări ştiinţifice a studenţilor, masteranzilor şi doctoranzilor, Iaşi, Ediţia VII, Iaşi, 24 iunie 2016. ww.chem.uaic.ro
d6) Lupăescu A., Ciobanu C.I., Ştefănescu R., Zbancioc G., Drochioiu G. P06. Caracterizarea structurală a unei peptide sintetizate cu potenţială activitate neuroprotectoare. Sesiunea de comunicări ştiinţifice a studenţilor, masteranzilor şi doctoranzilor, Iaşi, Ediţia VII, Iaşi, 24 iunie 2016. ww.chem.uaic.ro
d7) Atanasova, G., Tudorachi, L., Surleva, A., Drochioiu, G., Grădinaru, R. P08. Determinarea cuprului printr-un sistem multicomponent bazat pe proteine. Sesiunea de comunicări ştiinţifice a studenţilor, masteranzilor şi doctoranzilor, Iaşi, Ediţia VII, Iaşi, 24 iunie 2016. www.chem.uaic.ro
Paper published in impact factor journal (Activity 4.3):
In bold characters we highlighted the authors who are also in the project team.
1. Stefanescu R., Butnariu, A. E., Zamfirache, M. M., Surleva, A., Ciobanu, C. I., Pintilie, O., Drochioiu, G. Yeast-based microbiological decontamination of heavy metal contaminated soils of Tarniţa. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences , 12 (1) 153-159, 2017. (impact factor 0.88)
Paper accepted in BDI journal (Activity 4.3):
2. Stefanescu R., Brebu S., Matei M., Risca I. M., Surleva A., Drochioiu, G. Contribution to casein determination by UV spectrophotometry. Acta Chemica Iasi, 2017. Accepted.
Orally presented papers and published in international ISI conference proceedings (Activities 4.3.):
3. Drochioiu, G., Surleva, A., Iacoban, C., Halim, E.M., Gradinaru, R.V. Eco-friendly methods for heavy metal removal from Tarnita mining area. 17th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM, Albena, Bulgaria, www.sgem.org, SGEM2017 Conference Proceedings, ISBN 978-619-7408-08-9
4. Murariu, G., Popa, K. Effect of radioactive metal ions on wheat: in search for a biochemical marker. 17th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM, Albena, Bulgaria, www.sgem.org, SGEM2017 Conference Proceedings, ISBN 978-619-7408-08-9 / ISSN 1314-2704, 17(51) 345-352, 2017. DOI: 10.5593/sgem2017/51;
Paper submitted to impact factor journals (Activity 4.3):
5. Iacoban, C., Rîșca, I. M., Roibu, C., Todiraşcu-Ciornea, E., Necula, R., Drochioiu, G. Tarnița polluted forest area: Uptake of some heavy metal ions by woody species. Journal of Forestry Research. JFR-D-17-00443. Under review.
6. Zaharia, M., Borhan, A., Gherca, D., Zbancioc, G., Pui, A., Gradinaru, R. V., Drochioiu, G. Zinc ferrite nanoparticles: Catalysts for photohydrolysis of uncoupling dinitrophenol-type pollutants. Ceramics International, CERI-S-17-08004, Under review.
7. Murariu M., Ciobanu, C. I., Stefanescu, R., Ion, L., Petre, B. A., Drochioiu, G. Starch-
enhanced corn flours produced by simply grinding and sieving. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis. JFCA-D-17-00581. Under review.
Orally presented paper at a national conferences (Activities 4.3.):
8. Drochioiu, G. Toxic, natural or synthetic substances and organized crime. 5th Forensic National Conference, Iaşi, 1-2 April 2017. Acknowledgment: Romanian Government & UEFISCDI, Metafore Partnership Project (PN-II-PT-PCCA-2013-4-1149, Contract 107/2014
Activity 4.4. Updating the project web page
This activity was attended by the attention of the project director who introduced the important data regarding the evolution of the research in the Metafore project.