Prof. Katja LOOS (Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials of the University of Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands and President of the European Polymer Federation)
Conference title: Unleashing the Potential of Enzymes for Green Furan-Based Polymer Synthesis
Prof. Katja LOOS is Professor at the Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials of the University of Groningen, holding the chair of Macromolecular Chemistry and New Polymeric Materials. She currently serves as the President of the European Polymer Federation for the period of 2023 to 2025.
She specialized in Organic Chemistry and Polymer Chemistry during her university studies at the Johannes Gutenberg Universität in Mainz, Germany and the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, USA. She moved into the field of Enzymatic Polymerizations during her doctoral research at the University of Bayreuth, Germany and the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil. After a postdoctoral research stay at Polytechnic University in Brooklyn, NY, USA she started an independent research group at the University of Groningen.
Katja Loos pioneered the field of enzymatic polymerization, especially the biocatalytic synthesis of polysaccharides and polyamides, and the synthesis and self-assembly of PVDF containing block copolymers. Already early in her career Katja Loos was awarded two travel scholarships of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and she received the very prestigious Feodor Lynen Fellowship award of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation to conduct her postdoctoral research. During her independent research career, on the basis of her unique approach in combining modern polymer synthesis, (macro) molecular self-assembly, and utilization of the arising structures the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) has awarded her the prestigious VIDI grant in 2009 and VICI grant in 2014 and the German Research Council (DFG) the Eleonore Trefftz guest professorship within the scope of its excellency initiative. Among others she was awarded the Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, the IUPAC Distinguished Women in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Award and the Team Science Award of the Dutch Research Council (NWO). In 2023 she received the title of Knight of the Order of the Netherlands Lion.
Katja Loos is a Fellow of the Dutch Polymer Institute (DPI) and the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC).
for Best Young Scientist Oral Presentation
Prize I – 600 lei and free registration to the next MACRO Iasi edition
OC1. Laccase/polysaccharide hybrid nanostructures for efficient dye degradation
Larisa-Maria PETRILA, Maria KARAYIANNI, Stergios PISPAS, Marcela MIHAI
Prize II – 400 lei
OC3. Emerging compounds with cancer inhibitory activity to widen the medicinal chemistry field
Bianca-Iulia CIUBOTARU, Mirela-Fernanda ZALTARIOV, Alexandra BARGAN, Maria CAZACU
for Best Young Scientist Poster Presentation
Prize I – 600 lei and free registration to the next MACRO Iasi edition
Alexandru-Constantin STOICA, Madalin DAMOC, Mirela-Fernanda ZALTARIOV, Mihaela DASCALU, Maria CAZACU
Prize II – 400 lei
Melinda-Maria BAZARGHIDEANU, Marius-Mihai ZAHARIA, Camelia-Georgiana MARANDIS, Stergios PISPAS, Marcela MIHAI
Prize “Sorin I. Rosca” of Romanian Chemical Society - 500 lei
OC5. Synthesis, characterization and fluorescent behavior of a chemosensor based on a derivative of pullulan and benzonitrile
Ioana-Sabina TRIFAN, Mioara MURARIU, Gabriela BILIUTA, Sergiu COSERI
for Best Young Scientist Oral Presentation
Prize I – 600 lei and free registration to the next MACRO Iasi edition
Prize II – 400 lei
for Best Young Scientist Poster Presentation
Prize I – 600 lei and free registration to the next MACRO Iasi edition
Prize II – 400 lei
Prize “Sorin I. Rosca” of Romanian Chemical Society – 500 lei
Scientific Communications of Young Researchers with international participation,
MacroYouth 2024
It is a great pleasure to welcome you in Iasi, on 15.11.2024, on the occasion of the 5th Edition OPEN DOOR TO THE FUTURE Scientific Communications of Young Researchers with international participation, MacroYouth 2024. The scientific communications event with international participation is organized by the Petru Poni Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry - ICMPP, to mark the Romanian Researcher’s Day, and offers the opportunity for the doctoral students and young scientists (maximum 3 years from thesis defence) to present the results of their studies. The scientific program gives a broad overview of the topics in organic and macromolecular chemistry and physics, and more.
Best wishes for a professionally rewarding conference!
Dr. Valeria HARABAGIU, Dr. Marcela MIHAI and Acad. Bogdan C. SIMIONESCU
Chairpersons of MacroYouth 2024
In memoriam Acad. Bogdan C. SIMIONESCU (1948-2024)