
Conference Invited Lectures
Prof. Alice MIJA (Côte d’Azur University, Nice, France)
Conference title: Sustainable design of materials for space application – 100% biobased thermosets
Prof. Alice MIJA is a scientist with 25+ years of expertise in polymer chemistry & physico-chemistry research. She did her PhD in “Polymers & material science” at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Mines de Paris, Sophia-Antipolis (France). From 1992-2004 she was a Researcher at P. Poni Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Romanian Academy of Sciences, Iasi, Romania. Since 2004 she is an Prof. at University of Nice. Her research interests lie in the design, synthesis and characterization of monomers, polymers; synthons and materials from bioresources & wastes valorization; hybrid materials and composites; self-assembly and self-organization phenomenon in macromolecular and supramolecular polymeric systems; thermodynamics in complex reactions of anisotropic polymeric systems; phase transitions; structure/property/performance relationship.