

Scientific Meetings and Conferences:

1. N-hydroxyphthalimide-derived carbon nanostructures: Antioxidant activity determination
Conferința Internațională "26th International Conference, Materials, Methods & Technologies 2024", 15-18 August, Burgas, Bulgaria

(Poster presentation)

2. N-hydroxyphthalimide-derived carbon nanostructures: Preparation and morpho-structural characterization
Conferința Internațională "26th International Conference, Materials, Methods & Technologies 2024", 15-18 August, Burgas, Bulgaria

(Poster presentation)

3. Photoluminescent properties of metal-containing carbon dot nanostructures: Potential applications in MRI imaging
Conferința Internaționala Carbon 2024 - The World Conference on Carbon, 14-19 Iulie 2024, Shenzhen, China

(Oral presentation)

4. Photoluminescence from carbon nanostructures: challenges and potential applications
Conferința Internațională 30th edition of PolyChar World Forum on Advanced Materials (PolyChar’30)

(Oral presentation)

5. Obtaining and comprehensive analysis of polymeric-based carbon nanostructures
Conferința Internațională 30th edition of PolyChar World Forum on Advanced Materials (PolyChar’30)

(Poster presentation)

6. Exploring 3D features via stacking arrangement in graphene carbon dots
Conferința Internațională 30th edition of PolyChar World Forum on Advanced Materials (PolyChar’30)

(Poster presentation)

7. Manganese dopped carbon dots: synthesis and fluorescence properties
IasiCHEM 2024, 6th edition, October 31 – November 01, 2024, Iași, Romania

Lucian Bahrin, Dana Bejan, Andrei Dascalu (Poster presentation)

8. Assessment of antioxidant activity in N-hydroxyphthalimidederived carbon nanostructures
International Conference "Advanced Physical Technologies with the Application of UVS in the Monitoring and Modeling of Environmental Factors", 5th Edition, TehFizUVS 2024, November 8, 2024, Chisinau, Moldova

Adina Coroaba, Oana-Elena Carp, Cornel S. Stan, Mirela Fernanda Zaltariov, Adina Arvinte, Maurusa Ignat, Florica Doroftei, Narcisa-Laura Marangoci (Oral presentation)

9. Theoretical studies on N-hydroxyphthalimide-derived carbon dots: Unraveling structure through vibrational analysis
International Conference "Advanced Physical Technologies with the Application of UVS in the Monitoring and Modeling of Environmental Factors", 5th Edition, TehFizUVS 2024, November 8, 2024, Chisinau, Moldova

Dragos-Lucian Isac, Petru Tirnovan, Razvan Puf, Adina Coroaba, Narcisa Laura Marangoci, (Oral presentation)

10. Synthesis and structural analysis of N-hydroxyphthalimidederived carbon nanostructures
International Conference "Advanced Physical Technologies with the Application of UVS in the Monitoring and Modeling of Environmental Factors", 5th Edition, TehFizUVS 2024, November 8, 2024, Chisinau, Moldova

Narcisa-Laura Marangoci, Adina Coroaba, Oana-Elena Carp, Cornel S. Stan, Alina Nicolescu, Elena-Laura Ursu, Andrei Ioan Dascalu, Florica Doroftei, (Oral presentation)

11. Investigating 3D Characteristics through Stacking Arrangements in Graphene Carbon Dots
International Conference "Advanced Physical Technologies with the Application of UVS in the Monitoring and Modeling of Environmental Factors", 5th Edition, TehFizUVS 2024, November 8, 2024, Chisinau, Moldova

Razvan Puf, Dragos-Lucian Isac, Adina Coroaba, Petru Tîrnovan, Narcisa Laura Marangoci (Oral presentation)

12. Photoluminescent properties of carbon materials: applications in photovoltaics and MRI Imaging
International Conference on Advances in Carbon Science and Innovation, ICACSI, from 11-13 noiembrie 2024, Sydney, Australia

Guido Perrin, Andrea Susana Gonzalez-Vera, Cornel Stan, Adina Coroaba, Cristina Mariana Uritu, Luis Felipe Cházaro-Ruiz, Rene Rangel-Mendez, Conchi O. Ania (Keynote presentation)

13. Liposomal structures incorporating medicinal products
Workshop “Advancing diagnostic and therapeutic strategies in cancer by means of nanomedicine”, 5-6 Noiembrie 2024, în Iași, România

Cristina M. Uritu, Silviu I. Filipiuc, Radu Oita, Bogdan I. Tamba, (Oral presentation)
The project leading to this application has received funding from the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization, project no.
PNRR-III-C9-2022-I8-201, contract no. 760082/23.05.2023, within the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.
,,PNRR. Finance by European Union-NextGenerationEU”                                                                      
,,The content of this material does not necessarily represent the official position of the European Union or the Government of Romania."
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