
Stage 1 (database archive)
- Azobenzene-Crest,
- Azobenzene-RDKIT-MMFF94,
- Azobenzene-RDKIT-UFF)
Stage 2
- Optimization-structure
- FingerprintAZO-main
Stage 3 (database archive)
- Cis-S1,
- ROT-S1/S2 ...


1. Dragos Lucian Isac, Anton Airinei, Emilian Rosca, Laura Ursu, Razvan Puf, Isabela Man, Aatto Laaksonen, Role of electronic transitions in Raman spectra in the case of some azobenzne derivatives, PolyChar World Forum on Advanced Materials 30th Edition", September 11-13, 2024, Iași, Romania (oral communication) (award-winning presentation).


1. Dragos Lucian Isac, invited speaker “Exploring excited states in organic chemistry”, The MolMod Lectures, hosted by the Babeș-Bolyai University (UBB) via its Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (FCIC), 24.02.2023 (online presentation).

2. Dragos Lucian Isac, Emilian Rosca, Anton Airinei, Elena Laura Ursu, Razvan Puf, Isabela Costinela Man, Aatto Laaksonen, Combined electronic absorption and Raman spectra of some azobenzene derivatives, Progress in Organic and Macromolecular Compounds 29th Edition", October 04-06, 2023, Iași, (oral communication). Work published in the volume of the scientific manifestation.

3. Dragos Lucian Isac, Carmen Gherasim, Anton Airinei, Emilian Rosca, Radu Tigoianu, Aatto Laaksonen, Electronic excitations and transient species in the isomerization process of the azobenzene molecular system, Progress in Organic and Macromolecular Compounds 29th Edition", October 04-06, 2023, Iași, (poster presentation). Work published in the volume of the scientific manifestation.


1. Dragos Lucian Isac, Anton Airinei, Emilian Rosca, Razvan Puf, Laura Ursu, Isabela Costinela Man, Aatto Laaksonen, Fingerprints of the electronic densities and the molecular structure of some azobenzene derivatives during the isomerization reaction, A XXXVI-a Conferință Națională de Chimie, October 4-7, 2022, Călimănești-Căciulata, (conference in the section).

2. Dragos-Lucian Isac, Anton Airinei, Emilian Rosca, Conformational effects and electronic structure of some azobenzene derivatives in the ground state, Macro Youth ICMPP – Open door to the future scientific communications of young researchers, Iași, November 18, 2022, Iași (oral communication).

1. Anton Airinei, Dragos Lucian Isac, Nicusor Fifere, Dan Maftei, Elena Rusu, Computational and experimental investigation of photoresponsive behavior of 4,4′-dihydroxyazobenzene diglycidyl ether (published work) Results in Chemistry, 5, 100709, 2023 (Q2).
2. Dragos Lucian Isac*, Emilian Rosca, Anton Airinei, Elena Laura Ursu, Razvan Puf, Isabela Costinela Man, Andrei Neamtu, Aatto Laaksonen, Signature of electronically excited states in Raman spectra of azobenzene derivatives. Computational and experimental approaches, Spectrochimica Acta, Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy (under review) (Q1).